"Of course, I will," I promised. "I don't know how I could forget," I said with finality, lifting my head up to kiss him gently on the lips.

"And is this happiness.... Am I.... Am I worth this?" he asked self-consciously.

"Yes. Yes, you are," I assured him with the deepest sincerity I could convey. "There is no other way for me, Kiran. This happiness only exists with you. It's the only way for me."

"All right. Good," he smirked again. "Then we are going to need some sustenance. Forever doesn't happen without a few supplies," he winked at me, standing up and walking over to the table covered with food.

"I suppose," I sighed, sitting up and arranging pillows behind me, so we could eat comfortably.

The elevator dinged, startling us both. Kiran set down the trays of food he had prepared to bring over and walked to the elevator, a dark look masking his face. I sat still, wondering who could possibly be interrupting our evening.

The doors opened and somehow I wasn't surprised when Sebastian walked out, with wet hair and wearing a thick coat covered in snow. He looked like he had been standing outside for a very long time. I wondered if since Talbott was off doing something else, Sebastian had been tasked with guarding Kiran's building.

"Sebastian?" Kiran asked in an obviously worried tone.

"May I speak with you for a moment?" Sebastian didn't wait for an answer, but walked straight into one of the bedrooms.

"Excuse me for a moment, Love," Kiran turned to apologize to me before following Sebastian.

I sat alone in the living room for a few minutes before standing up and walking over to the food. Now that I was alone, I found that I was hungry. I picked at tiny appetizers that held more flavor than I thought possible and poured a glass of champagne.


"Eden, I'm so sorry," Kiran began immediately after exiting the bedroom a few minutes later. "My father needs me. I am terribly sorry, but I shouldn't be gone long."

Kiran looked at me, and I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. His eyes were panicked and he had already put a coat on. He walked hurriedly over to me, kissing me on the cheek and turning around before I had a chance to say anything.

"Sebastian will keep you company. I won't be long," he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes and then he was on the elevator and pushing buttons.

"Ok," was all I could get out before the doors were closed and he was gone.

Sebastian walked out of the bedroom without his coat on but with dry hair. He had changed from jeans into sweatpants and a t-shirt. He smiled at me, but his smile too did not reach his eyes.

"Is there a problem?" I asked tentatively, feeling awkward with only Sebastian there.

"No, not at all," he turned the lights on with his magic, and I was thankful for that. "Congratulations by the way. I am told I will call you my Queen one day," his eyes flickered to my ring finger.

"One day...." I replied awkwardly. I didn't really know how to reply to that. "Would you like some food?" I offered, trying to find normal with Sebastian.

"No, thank you," he walked over to the window, staring out it intensely. I noticed for the first time that it was snowing. Although it was only the first of February, I hoped that we would be done with snow and start getting ready for spring.

"Sebastian, please." I was really starting to worry. "If something is wrong, please tell me."

"Nothing is wrong Eden," he turned around, a smile on his face and I wanted to believe him, but that was when I heard the first terrifying scream.

Eden! I covered my ears and bent my head, trying to protect myself from the agony. But the sound wasn't coming from the room I was in. The sound was coming from inside my head.

It was Avalon. And he was in pain. And in trouble. And I was here, away from it all.

I looked up at Sebastian while my brother screamed for help inside of my head and realized that we had been set up.

I had been set up.

Chapter Forty-Two

"Where's Kiran," I growled at Sebastian, simultaneously comforting Avalon inside of my head, assuring him I would be there soon.

"He went to help his father. He will be back soon," Sebastian answered, in cool, rehearsed tones.

Another ear splitting scream from Avalon and I saw through his eyes for a moment. He was at the farm, surrounded by Titans. They all were. All of the people I loved. And they were being attacked. The Resistance was strong, but there were too many Titans.

"What is happening?" I screamed at Sebastian, coming back into my own vision again. "What are you doing to them?"

Sebastian looked at me curiously for a moment, "What am I doing to whom?"

"My friends! My family!" I shouted, trying to suppress Avalon's screams for help for just a moment just until I could figure this out.

"But how could you possibly know that?" Sebastian asked in disbelief.

"Because I do. Now damn it Sebastian, tell me what is happening," I stomped my foot. When he remained silent, I lashed out in anger, flinging him across the room with a burst of magic. "Tell me!" I screamed.

He recovered; standing up, full of rage. "What do you think is happening, Eden?" he yelled. "Did you really think this would be that easy? Did you really think Lucan would just let you marry his son without an exchange? Without something for himself? There was a trade, Eden."

"What do you mean?" my voice dropped to a whisper, horrified by Sebastian's accusations.

"We've known for a while, about you and your.... brother." Sebastian explained haughtily, the smug look that made my stomach churn plastering his face.

"But how?"

"Truthfully, it was Kiran. He had suspected for a while, the way you two acted around each other, the coincidental family features, his arrogant over-protectiveness. And his last name. 'St. Andrews' isn't really all that hard to figure out. So when Lucan met him at Kiran's birthday party, there was nothing else to uncover. Your traitor parents had twins."

"So?" My voice was gaining volume again, "So what is the trade?"

"Your brother. Kiran can have you, he can marry you, he can do whatever he wants to with you. That is why Lucan called off the engagement with Seraphina, he doesn't need you to get what he wants, he has your brother. Or he will have your brother," I flinched, unbelieving, but that only gave Sebastian the confidence to continue, "Lucan had always planned to use you, no matter what Kiran's sentiments were, Lucan has had bigger plans. But when it came to light that you had a twin brother who would work just as well, he decided to be diplomatic and let his son have you. Either way, the bloodline will be secured and father and son can live out eternity together," a sick smile twisted Sebastian's lips and I turned my head, emptying it of everything I had eaten today.

"And Kiran knew? He knew that he was giving Lucan, Avalon?" I turned my head again, waiting to be sick.

"Of course. Of course he knew. It was his idea. How else was he going to get you? You should really be thanking him, if he hadn't figured out that Avalon was your twin, it would be you up on the chopping block instead of him," he let out a cruel laugh that echoed inside of my head, right next to deafening cries of the brother that had been sacrificed for my happiness.

"He'll never get him. Avalon is untouchable. And Amory is there. Those people will fight to the death to protect him," I stood up again, letting the fear and anger fuel my courage.

"Ha. Those people are nothing but weak throw-aways. They are nothing compared to the full force of the Guard," he scoffed at me.

"Then where did Kiran go?" I asked snidely.

"Well, all right, Amory is somewhat of a problem. But not for long, you can trust me on that. The old man has seen the last of his days, this is the end for him," Sebastian leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms and smiling.

"So what will you do with Avalon once you get him? What will happen to him?" I asked, devising a plan while the battle scene played through my head.

"He will be sacrificed, of course. Lucan will sacrifice him and take his magic. Simple," he said with finality.

"And me?" I asked bravely, not afraid of the answer.

"You get everything you want. You get Kiran and you get a crown. What more is there?" He laughed again, the short, twisted laughter of the very depraved.

"What more is there?" I stomped my foot and the floor shook underneath the force of my magic. "How about my brother? And my grandfather! How about the people I love remaining unharmed?" I screamed.

"Eden, these are the consequences you pay for happiness, don't you get that? Kiran did this for you. This is all being done for you. Just relax, he'll be home soon, and then you can talk to him about it." Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"You know what?" I asked sarcastically. "I don't think I can wait. I think I'm going to go find him right now." I paused for a dramatic moment, "Yep, yes, I'm going to go find him right now."

"Um, no you're not," a flash of worry crossed Sebastian's face and he moved in front of the elevator doors as if that would stop me.

"Get out of my way Sebastian. You do not want to meet my magic," I threatened in a deep, growly voice.

"Eden, I don't want to fight you, but I have been ordered not to let you leave," he crossed his arms and stared me down.

"Oh, really? Then they really should have sent more than just you," I looked at him with pity for the smallest of seconds before sending the force of my magic at him; knocking him back against the elevator doors, bending the metal and opening them several inches.

Sebastian stood up quickly, sending magic my way. The burst hit me in the stomach knocking me back, but not over. I countered with another burst of magic that he dodged by diving behind the kitchen island and my magic hit the range above the stove sending stainless steel flying. I knocked over the refrigerator with my magic before Sebastian could react and he was pinned for a moment before throwing the huge piece of appliance off of him and jumping to his feet again.

"You're going to have to do better than that Eden!" Sebastian screamed at me, sending magic my way in short bursts. Some hit me, some missed, but I dove behind the couch to stay away from the pain.

"Fine, but try to remember you asked for it!" I shouted at him. I stood up quickly to face him and held out my palm, drawing his magic to me. He fought me, sending his magic in painful waves, but they were weakening as I drew out his magic and I was only growing stronger.

I stood up straighter, as he crumpled to the ground in a weakened heap on the floor. I continued to pull and drain every last ounce of magic, leaving him completely weakened and defenseless.

"Like I said, they should have sent more than just you," I wanted to finish him, to use his pathetic magic-less state and destroy him. I had never been more vengeful in my life and I was blind with rage, but I couldn't. I wasn't a murderer. Even when he was an accomplice to the destruction of my family, I couldn't kill him.

He groaned from the floor, reaching a tired, shaking hand out to me. "Don't stop now Eden," he mumbled humorously. "Finish it," he demanded, spitting with the force of his words.

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