Amory reached over to me, pulling me into a hug, and then beyond me to Avalon. We were speechless. I stayed close to Amory, relishing the moment and trying to shake off the horrible feeling that this was goodbye. London wasn't the end of the world, and marriage wouldn't mean I would never see my family again. But I didn't dare move from that moment; for fear that I was wrong. For fear that this was goodbye.

Chapter Forty-One

"Eden, there's someone here to see you," Aunt Syl poked her head into my bedroom door where I was in the middle of watching a movie with Lilly and Roxie. We were all lying on my bed quite comfortably and I was reluctant to move from the warmth of the covers.

"Who is it?" I asked sleepily. It was only late afternoon, but the sun was already low on the horizon and I had a terrible time trying to sleep after Amory had dropped Avalon and me off late last night.

"Kiran," My aunt said with a smirk.

I didn't respond, but jumped out of bed, running to the mirror. I rubbed my fingers quickly under my tired eyes, trying to fix my smudged eye liner. I pulled my black, impossible hair out its pony tail and tried to arrange it with my fingers, but it wouldn't lay right; so I threw it back up into a pony tail. I straightened out my hooded sweatshirt and exchanged my sweatpants for a pair of jeans lying on the floor. I was thankful they were Lilly's and not Roxie's and consequently long enough for me. I gave her a thankful smile and then walked casually out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

Kiran was standing in the living room with his back to me, hands deep in his pockets and rocking back and forth on his heels. I looked around for signs of Jericho or Avalon, but remembered they had gone to the farm to work with some younger recruits who had just arrived.

"Hey," I said quietly, reaching the hardwood floor at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey," Kiran turned around nervously. "Hi," he repeated.

"Hi," I echoed, and realized I was just as nervous.

"I'm sorry to just pop over," he took a step forward and then back as if he wasn't sure he should touch me or not. This was the first time we had seen each other since his engagement had been called off and I didn't think either one of us knew what to do, there was too much pressure.


"No, really, it's fine. I was just watching a movie."

"Oh, right," he ran his hands through his messy hair and looked up at me from under his eye lashes. "Can we go somewhere?"

"Yes," I sighed, relieved. It was still Kiran. There was nothing to be nervous about. We were meant to be together, and it wasn't like we would be getting married tonight. "I would like that," I smiled.

"Good," he smiled back, his soft, genuine smile with mischievous eyes that sent butterflies soaring in my stomach.

"Um, can I change first?" I asked, noticing his designer jeans and navy blue sweater. He looked handsome and dressed up and my old sweatshirt and borrowed jeans wasn't going to cut it.

"Of course," he backed away, taking a seat on the couch.

"I'll just be a second," I promised, turning on my heel and running up the stairs straight into my closet.

"What's going on?" Lilly asked, with the obvious tones of excitement in her voice.

"I don't know," I replied honestly, "he just wants to go somewhere," I turned around for a second and smiled widely.

Lilly let out a quiet squeal and jumped to her knees on the bed, bouncing an irritated Roxie around. "So do you think this is it? Do you think he's going to ask?" She whispered, pointing at her ring finger.

"I have no idea!" I whispered back, throwing clothing item after clothing item on the floor. What did one wear to a possible proposal?

"The purple one," Lilly demanded, pointing to a plum-colored short sweater dress. "With black tights and black high-heeled boots."

"And use magic on your hair," Roxie offered with an obvious lack of interest.

I obeyed, all of their suggestions. I used magic on my hair and on the static from the sweater, turning around for them and gaining nods of approval. I sprinted to Aunt Syl's bathroom where I freshened up my makeup and grabbed the pendant Kiran had given me. I left the stone black, deciding the best way to accessorize, and grabbed some silver hoops that I put on while walking back towards the stairs.

"Hey, Eden," Roxie called from the bedroom. I paused and poked my head back inside the room.

"You look gorgeous!" Lilly squealed again.

"Hey," Roxie pulled my attention back to here. "Do you mind if we go to the farm, too? Since you won't even be here?"

"No, I don't mind at all. Have fun!" I said genuinely.

"You, too!" Lilly could barely contain her exhilaration and I found it catching. I walked down the stairs a ball of frenzied energy.

"Wow," Kiran stood up from the couch, pleased with my transformation.

"I have a gift," I joked.

"I don't think I will ever grow tired of how beautiful you are," He smirked at me, and I felt the heat flood my cheeks. "Every time I see you, I am moved by your beauty." He closed the distance between us and pulled me into a kiss. His mouth met mine with the force of his frenetic magic and we collided into bliss.

I let him hold me at the bottom of the steps, reminding me of the depth of my feelings for him and the hope for a future together. His mouth moved against mine with the passion belonging only to a man lost in love; he held me to him, melting his soul into mine.

"Let's get out of here, huh?" He pulled away reluctantly, pressing his forehead against mine and closing his eyes as if parting our lips took sacrifice.

"Yes, please," I whispered and then louder, "Aunt Syl, I'll be back later."

"Ok, dear," she called back from the kitchen.

"Where's Talbott?" I asked, teeth chattering once we were out of the house and into the frozen night.

"He had other plans this evening," Kiran replied without looking at me.

He walked me to a brand-new, black sports car and opened the door for me. I climbed in and buckled up, remembering his need for speed. He joined me and then took off through the twilight streets of the neighborhood and downtown to his loft.

We walked silently through the old building's doors and onto the elevators. He reached for my hand and I let him, swept away with the sweet gesture. The elevator rose slowly to the top floor and when the doors opened I gasped, afraid to move.

Kiran's apartment had been transformed from a manly loft into the most romantic setting I could have ever imagined. The room was lit by skinny, ivory candles sitting in elegant silver candelabras placed all over the room. The high top table had been replaced by a small one that sat lower to the ground and was covered with a black table cloth and silver platters, holding amazing looking appetizers and desserts. Full floral arrangements with the most delicate white flowers on every surface enhanced the room, and instead of the giant couches from before, the floor was covered with a white silk blanket and Middle Eastern style table that sat on the floor surrounded with colorful, embroidered pillows.

Kiran pulled me into his loft still wearing his smirk. We walked silently to the low table. He sat down first, tugging at my hand for me to join him. I couldn't resist and so I sat down too, snuggled in luxuriously soft pillows with the most intricate, exotic designs on them, leaning into Kiran and breathing him in.

"Eden, my love," he said in a low voice, "you are always a surprise to me, never doing what I expect or what you should." He laughed sweetly, clearly not meaning it as an insult. "And because of that, ever since I met you, my life has been unexpected. I could never have predicted we would be sitting here today, free of my betrothal and with the blessings of both my father and your grandfather."

I looked up at him suddenly, realizing for the first time completely where this was going. I swallowed, finding strength in the confidence of Kiran's eyes. My hands started to shake and I was completely at a loss for words.

"Before you," Kiran continued, "I did not know love could exist like this.... So all consuming.... So powerful.... So.... Binding. But that is the thing, Eden, I am bound to you, completely. And now that I have found you, there is only one way for me to live, only one way that I can live and that is with you as my wife."

Tears pooled behind my eyes. Kiran moved from behind me, to on his knee in front of me, taking my trembling hand in his, "Eden, my love, this is only the beginning. We have eternity to walk hand in hand and explore the depths of this love. That is, if you will have me." I sat speechless, as Kiran reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. Opening it, he asked, "Eden, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" I found my voice and answered with more confidence than I had felt up until that moment. It wasn't the romantic setting, it wasn't even the gigantic emerald stone Kiran was taking from its place in the box and slipping onto my ring finger. It was him; it was always him. There was no answer; there was no thought, other than yes.

He slipped the ring all the way onto my finger and then found my mouth again, pulling me down with him to the floor. Our magics crashed into each other in an ecstatic collision of euphoria. He wrapped me into himself, his arms holding me tightly to him and his mouth unrelenting against mine. The tears waiting impatiently behind closed eyes finally escaped in hot streams, reminding me how deeply the love we shared was felt.

Happiness was all consuming and hope for the future finally a concrete stamp on my heart. There were no more thoughts about uncertainties or impossibilities. The next Oracle was a fleeting idea. The next Queen was the sure path, the only future for me. I could have it all.

"All right, I'm hungry," Kiran declared, but didn't move from our position on the floor.

We had been laying there for hours, permanent extensions of each other, wrapped in our exclusive magic and dreaming about our future together. I had been holding my ring finger up for the better part of an hour, listening to his soft accent paint pictures of London and a wedding ceremony and children.

The gray sky had turned black and the candles burned low. I turned to face him, unwilling to let him go, not even for a moment.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked, his smirk in place and his turquoise eyes smoldering.

"Not hungry enough to let you get up," I kissed him, hoping to distract him and it worked.

He kissed me back, each kiss growing more feverish, desperate for more. I reached my hand into his dirty blonde locks, tangling them inside his thick waves and maneuvering him on top of me. He sighed with the sweetness of complete happiness and I couldn't stop my smile, even if it stopped our kiss.

"And what's so funny?" He looked down at me amused.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," I smiled wider. "I just didn't know that this kind of happiness existed, that's all," my smile grew even bigger and I thought I would burst from bliss.

Kiran's aqua eyes clouded for a moment, changing their color to a deep navy blue. He pulled away, propping himself up on a bent elbow. "Eden, will you remember this? Will you remember how happy you are in this moment?" His forehead wrinkled and the concern on his face was real.

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