“That’s what you say now, but I saw the way you were looking at him. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said before slamming the door in my face.

I wandered next door to my room, mulling over my encounter with Jackson. He definitely was hot as shit, but there was no way I should go there. It was pretty clear from what I’d overheard that he was into things that I had no interest in trying. Add in that he was only interested in short flings because he was in love with his sister’s best friend and starting anything up with him would be way too complicated. But that shiver being near him had sent up my spine? That could mean trouble for me. I wasn’t sure I would be able to resist him if he decided to make a play for me even though I knew I should.

I was just lying back down when Charlotte stormed into the room, two coffees and a bakery bag in her hand. She and I had been paired up as roommates our freshman year in what was probably the strangest match-up ever. She was from a huge family, and on the surface she seemed like the perfect Southern belle. Until you got to know Charlotte and realized that under the shiny surface was a wicked sense of humor that could rip you to shreds if you crossed her or someone she cared about. And I was lucky enough to be one of those people even though I wasn’t used to developing truly close relationships.

After losing my parents and spending a couple years with my ice queen of an aunt, I’d learned to keep my distance from people. I’d put up walls to protect myself, but Charlotte had refused to stay at arm’s length. She was always doing nice things and had been super patient with me. Before I’d known it, I’d found myself talking to her about the highs and lows of my day.

At five foot four, I wasn’t exactly tall, but she was a tiny dynamo compared to me. Calling her a steel magnolia seemed so cliché, but she really did have a backbone that just wouldn’t quit. And once she decided she liked you, there was no swaying her from her decision. There had been no way I was going to be able to change her mind, and soon, I hadn’t wanted to anyway. She was an amazing person to have in your corner. Like today when she came bearing caffeine and treats to share while I was exhausted.

“Tada! Rise and shine, sugar,” she chirped. “I bring you liquid gold to bribe you to join the land of the living.”

“Gimme, gimme,” I begged as I giggled.

“Gasp! What is my Kaylie-belle doing up this bright and early?” she teased, holding the cup of coffee just out of reach. “I usually have to drag your butt out of bed. Have you been holding out on me all this time? Waking up while I am out and about bright and early so you can get alone time and then feigning sleep when I get back?”

“Of course not! Whatever could possibly have woken me up from a deep sleep? I’ll give you one guess with just a little clue. Her name rhymes with Tasha and she lives right next door.”

“Shut up!” Charlotte said, handing me one of the cups. “What did I miss?”

“You are not going to believe this, but she and Jackson Silver were in the middle of a shouting match about Sasha trying to break up Drake and Alexa,” I said before taking a big gulp of my coffee.


“For real? Did ya eavesdrop shamelessly?” she asked “Please, please, please make my day and say that you did. I’d love to have been a fly on the wall for that one. Ooooh, I bet that Jackson put Sasha in her place super fast. He’s always struck me as the kind of guy who wouldn’t take crap from anyone. C’mon now. Spill!”

“Gee, I don’t know. Are you sure you’re really interested? ‘Cause I couldn’t really tell, gossip girl,” I teased while I reached for the bag to peek inside, but Charlotte held it just out of reach.

“Ah, ah, ah. Sharing is a two-way street. You know, I was fixin’ to share these yummy cranberry muffins with you since they’re your favorite, but if you can’t be bothered to spill the sordid details from this morning’s escapade, then I just might have to eat them all myself.”

“Like I wasn’t going to tell you anyway. No need to bribe me, but seriously. Hand them over or else. If I’m not going to get a good night’s sleep, then at least I can start my day out right,” I answered with my hand held out for the bag, which was a good thing because she tossed it at my head. I managed to grab it before the muffins spilled out and pulled one out to munch on as I continued. “Thanks for these. They will make the day almost bearable.”

“Ummm, hello? I don’t want your gratitude. I want my story, and I want it now! That boy's so bad he whups his own ass twice a week. I bet Sasha would have been shakin’ in her boots if she had any.”

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