“I did give a damn about you, but you just used me and tossed me aside!”

“You can lie to yourself as much as you’d like about what happened between us, but you asked to be used. You practically begged me for it,” he taunted her. “We didn’t have a relationship, and I certainly didn’t make you any promises back then. But I will make you one now that you better pay attention to. Don’t fuck around with the people I care about or I will make sure you regret it. Do you understand?”

“But, Jackson, just listen to me,” Sasha protested.

“There’s nothing you have to say that I need to hear except that you understand and won’t try to mess things up for Lex anymore,” he growled back.

Sasha dropped down onto her bed and looked up at Jackson with a defeated expression on her face. “Why won’t you let me explain? After what happened between us, you should at least let me have my say!”

If I hadn’t felt awkward before, the direction their argument had taken certainly made me feel that way now. I wished I hadn’t insisted on staying. Being tired was bad enough, but witnessing this was guaranteed to start my day on the wrong foot.

“Jesus, are you rewriting history in your head? I don’t know what fantasies you’ve built up in your head, but the only thing that happened between us was sex. And if I had to stand around and listen to every chick I’ve ever banged, then I would never have time to get anything done.”

“You can really stand here and tell me that our time together wasn’t good?” Sasha asked, like a dog with a bone, unwilling to let go.

“Honestly? Yeah, I had fun with you that weekend. But that’s all it was for me—a little bit of fun. I thought I was pretty clear with you that’s all it was and all it would ever be. If you thought you were more than a quick lay to me, that’s your own damn fault. So don’t take it out on Lex.”

“Arghhhhh!!” Sasha jumped up and stomped her foot in frustration. “I am so sick and tired of hearing about Alexa!”

“Then let me make this easy for you. You stay away from Lex and Drake and you won’t have to hear about her anymore. And if you don’t, then I will just have to ruin the rest of the time you have left on campus. Don’t doubt for a second that I won’t do it, Sasha. Do you understand what I am saying to you?”


“Yes, fine. I’ll leave your precious Alexa alone,” she sneered.

“Then I’m done here,” he said as he turned towards me. “Sorry about disrupting your sleep. It won’t happen again since I should never have another reason to be here. But a bit of advice, you should choose your friends more wisely. Because Sasha sure as shit doesn’t deserve someone taking her back like you just did.”

“I never said we were friends, but even if we were, it wouldn’t be any of your business,” I said as I stepped out of the doorway so he could walk past. I shifted my gaze behind him to see Sasha watching both of us with a sour look on her face. “Now how about you head out so I can finally get back to sleep?”

“You’re pretty sassy for such a little thing,” he teased as he walked by.

“Jesus, Jackson. Seriously? You just totally wrecked me and now you’re going to flirt with Kaylie right in front of me?” Sasha shrieked.

Jackson shook his head before he turned back to look at Sasha. “You have nobody to blame for this mess but yourself. And that wasn’t flirting. You want to see me flirt?” he asked as he leveled his gaze at me and trailed his eyes down my body and back up again. He lifted his arms up to grip the doorframe, boxing me in as he leaned closer. “I’d be happy to show her what flirting looks like if you’re game,” he whispered against my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

“I think I’ll pass. I’ve had enough excitement for the day already,” I breathed out on a sigh.

“That’s probably for the best. I guess I’ll see you around. Kaylie, was it?”

I nodded my head in response. “Yes, Kaylie Rhodes.”

He flashed me a smug grin before turning to walk away. I heard Sasha move behind me and didn’t think anything of it until she shoved me through the doorway. “Thanks for nothing,” she snapped at me. “A word of advice. Stay away from Jackson if you know what’s good for you. He might use his body to give you the best night of sex you will ever have, but he won’t offer anything beyond that.”

“I’m not you, Sasha. I won’t make the same mistakes you have.”

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