“I’ve missed everything about you. Missed this. More than you can imagine, I’ve missed you,” he murmured before his mouth zeroed in on the sensitive spot behind her ear. He kissed a moist path over her skin, teasing and stroking with his tongue. The way he lightly raked his teeth over her skin was so damn familiar it made her ache. He’d always known how to get her hot with very little stimulation. Just him being him and touching her was enough to make her wet.

While her mind was still functioning, she finished what she’d started. This time, she managed to unhook his belt even while he tortured her with his mouth. Her hands shook, but she ignored it. At the same time he kissed and nipped her neck, he tugged at her shirt.

They were acting like teenagers, ripping each other’s clothes off, but she couldn’t seem to control her primal need to feel his body against hers. Thankfully neither could he. She felt light-headed, knowing what was about to happen.

Finally, they stood naked in front of each other. The cracked bathroom door was their only source of light, but it was enough. Her nipples peaked under his scrutiny, and a sudden wave of shyness threatened to overwhelm her. The last time they’d made love had been pre-baby, and her body had changed since then. She was curvier, softer.

Hunter reached out a tentative hand and traced a finger along her Caesarean scar. She tensed but his expression softened and any reservations she’d had disappeared in that instant. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”

She spread her hands across his chest, savoring the feel of his taut skin. It was still hard to believe she was actually touching him. After all this time. Hunter didn’t give her a chance to do anything else. He gripped her hips and lifted her onto the bed.

She let out a surprised cry as she hit the bed. With a hungry gleam, he moved on top of her. Now it was skin on skin. A ripple of desire coursed through her. His head dipped down and he began an assault of kisses along her neck, jaw and chest. Some were soft, some were not. He was covering every inch of her with his hot lips. She knew she should drag this out considering it would likely be their one and only time together, but she wanted him inside her more than she wanted her next breath.

Before Alexis, sex had been a healthy part of Hunter’s life, but not a necessity. After being with her, however, his perspective had changed. No one else would ever be right for him. Not the way she was. It was stupid to sleep with her now, knowing they had no future, but he couldn’t not do this. He might not have told her exactly what he’d done while he’d been living in Central America, but he’d told her enough.

He’d been fantasizing about this for six long years and now that he had Alexis back in his bed, he was going to make damn sure it was good for her. He knew he didn’t deserve even this one time, but she was offering and he had to take it. Once all the dust settled, he knew she’d realize her mistake, but after years in hell, he was going to be selfish. Just one more taste of her would have to last him.

He palmed one breast and traced small, erotic circles around her light brown areola. Her breasts were fuller than he remembered. He’d thought they were perfect before, but now…he shuddered. More for him to tease. She let out a small moan when he lightly pinched her hardened nipple. Taking the other one in his mouth, he ran his tongue around it until she was moaning and writhing underneath him. Then he switched breasts and tugged and teased her other nipple until she let out what he could only describe as purring sounds. She was rubbing her body against his with abandon.

Abruptly, her hands fisted into his hair, and she yanked his head back. Not hard, but with adequate pressure so he understood what she wanted. “Enough,” she managed to gasp out.


If she didn’t want foreplay, that was fine with him. He’d make up for it later tonight. One time meant one night. He was going to get his fill in the next couple hours. Leaning over, he grabbed a condom from inside the top drawer of the nightstand. She made a move to roll it on, but he stopped her. He didn’t trust himself enough to let her touch him yet. After rolling on the condom he rubbed himself against the hot folds of her sex but didn’t penetrate completely.

She rolled her hips against him as he teased her entrance.

“Are you trying to torture me?” she murmured as she nipped his earlobe.

“Maybe.” The act of teasing her was sensual all by itself. She let out erotic little moans every place he touched her, kissed her, turning him on even more.

Reaching between them, he slid a finger inside her to test her slickness. She was tight, but wet and ready. Though he wanted to tease her all night, he wanted something else even more. With a quick thrust, he was inside her. And inside her was the only place he wanted to be.

She’d always liked sex nice and slow, but that wasn’t going to happen now. Something about the gleam in her eyes told him that wasn’t what she wanted at all. Which was good, because he didn’t either. She gasped at the intrusion, but just as quickly, her hips danced against his in a perfect rhythm. Her legs tightened around his waist as she pulled him deeper inside her with each thrust.

Her dark hair fell around her face and onto the pillow. Staring at her, he saw the woman he’d fantasized about for years, and the strong woman she’d turned into. He wanted to give her so much it scared the hell out of him. Something he’d never admit aloud. Night and day she’d eaten into his thoughts. Never far from the forefront of his brain. He was still having a hard time believing this was all real. This was Alexis he was touching and holding. Not some fantasy. For the first time in years he knew when he woke up tomorrow he’d have the taste of her on his lips and the imprint of her on his body.

While he wanted to kiss her, he couldn’t. Right now all he could do was stare at her—at them—as they made love. Her eyes were an electric blue and they shone with raw heat and need. Each time he thrust inside her tight sheath her mouth parted slightly and her gaze seemed to devour him. He could drown looking into those eyes.

The faster he moved, the tighter she clutched at his back until finally she surged into orgasm. It happened so fast he didn’t expect it. Apparently she didn’t either. Her mouth opened into a wordless scream as her body shook with an almost violent force. The climax ripped through her fast and hard, and it completely floored him. Watching her like this was pure heaven.

Her inner walls clenched around him with each ripple, sending him over the edge. Years ago, he’d been able to last for hours with her. Not tonight. Tonight, years of wanting and waiting had caught up to him. With a shout, he clutched the sheets next to her head and emptied himself until he was blindly thrusting into her. His hips just wouldn’t stop thrusting even after he’d climaxed. Eventually he managed to get his body under control even though energy hummed through him.

As his heart rate returned to normal, he propped up on both elbows so he wouldn’t smother her and stared down at her. What he saw on her face touched something deep inside him he’d forgotten existed. She looked satisfied and relaxed. Maybe even happy. For the first time since he’d been back. She didn’t look scared or worried—and he’d been the one to put that look on her face. Memorizing her expression, he filed it away and locked it up tight. It would be all he had in the future nights to come.

Reaching up, she threaded her fingers through his hair and leaned up to kiss him. It was soft, sweet, almost chaste. It reminded him of everything he’d missed the past six years. His throat clenched with too many unwanted emotions so he rolled over and fell back against the pillow.

Moving with him, she laid her head against his chest. She didn’t seem to want to talk, and that was fine with him. When she wordlessly threw a satiny leg over him, he drew her even closer. Tomorrow things would change. Tonight, he simply wanted to hold her.

Chapter 9

Alexis opened her eyes and groaned. Sunlight streamed through the wooden slat blinds, warming her face. She stretched and rolled over, expecting to see Hunter. She froze, and that familiar feeling of abandonment rolled over in violent waves. His side of the bed was empty. Sitting up, she listened for the sound of the shower. “Hunter?”

Nausea briefly threatened until she reminded herself that this was what she’d asked for. She’d told him she wasn’t expecting anything. Just one night. And that was what he’d given her. So why did it hurt so badly?

She rubbed her sternum as if that could ease the pain in her chest. When she saw the time on the digital clock, however, she jumped out of bed and shelved thoughts of Hunter. Her clothes and undergarments were scattered across the room, but she hurriedly jerked them on.

It was nine o’clock. Two hours later than Jonathan normally woke. Blood roared in her ears as she realized Jonathan could have easily gone searching for her and found her in bed with Hunter. She’d rather save that kind of conversation for another day. Like ten years from now—or never.

After she found Jonathan’s room empty, she heard laughter and voices as she was hurrying down the stairs. She slowed her pace before entering the kitchen. Hunter had his back to her at the stove and Jonathan stood on a chair while he mixed some sort of batter. Jonathan spied her first.

“Mom, me and Hunter are cooking you breakfast.” He smiled at her and held up a big spoon, dripping the doughy mix across the counter.

“I can see that,” she murmured and stepped into the room.

Hunter turned and sent her a look that sent shivers straight to her toes. “Coffee?”

“Yes, please.” She took the mug from his extended hand and sat at the table.

Today Hunter had on a faded Yankees sweatshirt and jeans. Surprisingly, Jonathan was also dressed, in jeans and a Spider-Man sweater. Normally, he required her help, but something told her Hunter had assisted since his tennis shoes were tied perfectly.

“What are you guys making?”

“Pancakes.” Jonathan wobbled on the chair, and she immediately stood, ready to help him.

When he righted himself, she sat back down. She knew she had to let him take chances, but she couldn’t help her overprotective streak.

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