Since then, Noah had fought a few bouts but not with anyone they considered might actually be a threat. This guy was not only a threat he was hungry to beat Noah.

With Abel giving it a rest finally and letting Gio do his job of warming up Noah, Hector sat on a stool watching quietly. He was glad some of the other 5th Street trainers were in there lightening up the mood a little. Gus, Nestor, and Santos stood off to the side, cracking jokes and talking about the girls they’d seen there tonight.

Usually these fights didn’t bring in too many girls, but tonight’s fight was a big draw. There were also a lot of parties going on after around the local neighborhood, parties Abel told Hector he should stay away from. The neighborhood had never been the greatest, but having grown up in the area their whole lives, they were more than comfortable attending the parties in the area. Still they could get a little rowdy.

The guys were talking about hitting some of the parties tonight. “I need to get laid,” Santos announced.

“Then find out where the keg parties are,” Nestor said with a sly smile. “Those are usually a sure thing because the girls always overdo it with the free beer, and next thing you know they’re all over you.”

Hector turned to Nestor and gave them a look.

“What?” Nestor asked, laughing. “I know no means no, but usually after so many beers they’re not only saying yes they’re begging for it. “He brought his hand in front of him and waved it down. “Who am I to deprive any girl of all this? Especially when they’re begging for it?”

It didn’t surprise Hector that Nestor was one of those guys that would take advantage of a drunken girl. The world was full of douche bags like him, and 5th Street wasn’t immune to them.

Distracted by his phone vibrating in his pocket, Hector didn’t bother responding. He pulled out the phone and read the text from Lisa.

I know you’re probably really busy, but I just wanted to let you know we’re here. In case you look for me, we’re WAY in the back. If we had known it was going to be so packed, we would’ve gotten here earlier. THANKS, HECTOR! ;)

Hector stood up immediately and began texting back.


I’ll get you better seats. Don’t worry.

He started to the door then turned back to Abel. “I’ll probably just stay out there until the fight starts. It’s almost time anyway, right?”

Abel nodded then went back to watching Noah warm up. Hector’s phone went off again as he continued to walk toward the door.

No! I was kidding. We’re fine where we are. You don’t have to go to any trouble.

Hector smiled, feeling a bit bittersweet. Normally, he appreciated the perks of being part owner of a boxing gym. Things like this went a long way in impressing chicks. Too bad Lisa was no longer the girl he wanted to impress. He wondered how long it would be until he felt the urge to impress anyone, but the only girl he was interested in, he couldn’t even consider.

Trouble? Did you forget I got connections around here?

Her only response to that was a big smiley face. He took in the crowd as he walked into the loud swarming gym. Lisa hadn’t been kidding. Hector thought the place had been packed earlier. As he walked slowly through the crowd, he made a mental note to talk to the guys about upping the price of tickets to the bigger fights so they could add more security.

Lisa and her friend stood way in the back. Hector was glad he spotted them before Lisa saw him. He curiously checked her out, but he didn’t want her to see that. She might get the idea he was still interested in something with her. She was just as cute as he remembered. Her dark thick hair seemed a little longer now, but he’d only ever seen her at school. This was a whole new side of her he’d yet to experience. Her short black skirt was bordering on too short, and her very high heels were all kinds of sexy.

She looked up from whatever it was she was reading and smiled when she saw him. As he got closer, memories of that last day he saw her came to him. Her eyes were still just as big and dark. He knew he was being biased, but they had nothing on Charlee’s big baby blues. Maybe at one point they might’ve been—back when he thought only a dark-haired Hispanic girl could do it for him—not anymore. He’d been so wrong about that it wasn’t even funny.

Lisa hugged him hard, and he hugged her right back, admitting to himself she did smell really nice. She then introduced him to her friend Estella. Estella smiled and shook his hand.

“Wow. Did you get bigger or what?” Lisa exclaimed, her eyes all over his chest and upper arms.

Hector smiled. “Maybe a little.”

When Lisa gave him a knowing look then reached up and touched his arm again, he glanced away, not wanting to encourage the flirting. If it were anyone else, he’d just as soon go along with it, but not Lisa. “C’mon,” he said, taking in just how crowded the place really was.

They were going to have to make their way back through that mess to get to the front row. “Stay close,” he said, turning back to her, and reached out his hand.

Lisa took it immediately, but he didn’t mind, even though she quickly laced her fingers through his. She had to know why he’d done it. There was no way she’d be able to stay close in this crowd if he hadn’t. Glancing around trying to decide which would be the fastest way to get there, he froze when his eyes met Charlee’s. Her hair was down again like the day of his fight. Only she didn’t wear a dress this time. She wore skintight jeans with a turquoise sweater that made the blue in her eyes even more striking. She’d done something else tonight too. Her lips were so red it made the color of her fair skin that much more brilliant at the same time enhancing the red in her hair, brows, and freckles. She practically glowed.

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