Charlee turned to see what he was talking about then laughed softly. “Yeah, she hasn’t been feeling too hot this week, but she swears the flu is all in your head.” She turned back to him with that timid smile that was slowly bringing Hector to his knees. “She says meditating works better than medicine.” She lifted a shoulder and smiled. “She might be on to something, because she says she is feeling better now than she did a few days ago, and she’s refused to take any meds.”

There was a short silent pause where they stared at each other, and Hector knew neither of them was thinking about Drew’s flu. Finally, she smiled a little bigger this time, breaking their moment. “Thank you,” she said simply then added. “I better get going. There’s a reason I left the lab early. We don’t want to be out there too late.”

“Okay, I’ll see you next week.” Hector said, feeling a little disappointed that he couldn’t say more—tell her how he really felt.

Something flashed in her eyes, and for a moment, he thought she might say something, but then it was gone and she nodded. “Next week,” she said before walking off toward Drew.

Chapter 17

“Okay, tell me again why we’re still going to do this? Because he was nice enough to apologize and it’s pretty much cut and dry, Drew—”

“That he’s definitely feeling something for you, but he’s holding back.” Drew interrupted her then blew her nose. “We’re getting closer and closer to proving the very thing I’ve been saying all along.”

Charlee had to admit it. Hector had practically said it to her yesterday. Yes, their time together that night, those beautiful kisses, had meant more to him than he initially admitted to. But he also said he really, really didn’t want things getting weird between them.

“So we prove it. Then what? He’s practically spelled it out already.” Charlee stared at Drew through the mirror. As usual, they were sharing the same mirror in the hall restroom to get ready. “Maybe he did feel something that night, but he thinks anything more would be too weird. It’s the very word he used.”

Her insides still warmed at the thought that even if that were the case he’d still wanted her to know that the kisses she thought about on a daily basis now hadn’t been forgettable or insignificant to him either—at all.

“And let’s just admit it.” Drew grabbed some more toilet paper and blew her nose again. “Things did get weird. I mean that blowup he had about Ross. Geez, I know Walter’s his friend and all, and it made him mad that you’d be friendly to Ross,” Drew turned away to sneeze then wiped her nose, “but there was way more to it than that. I don’t care what you or Hector say. He was jealous, plain and simple, and now he wants to make sure you know that night meant more to him than he first let on?” Drew lifted an eyebrow with an evil little grin. “I’m even more certain my plan is going to work now.”


Trying not to get too caught up or show just how excited the very idea that Hector might actually have real feelings for her made her, Charlee lowered her eyes down to Drew’s red nose. “You’re not even feeling well, Drew. We really should just stay home tonight.”

Drew shook her head then closed her eyes and hummed loudly, swaying her head side to side.

Charlee smiled. Her friend was nuts. “You say you’re feeling better, and while I’m all for the power of thought and everything, your body knows what it needs, and that’s rest, Drew.”

“I’ll rest tomorrow,” Drew said, opening her eyes.


“If . . .” Drew pointed her finger at Charlee. “If I’m wrong and something happens tonight that totally proves I’m way off here, then I’ll back off. I will totally drop this. I promise. But I think someone is forgetting the power of my sixth sense.”

Charlee pinched her lips to the side but bit her tongue. She was not about to get into the last time Drew’s sixth sense had been totally off, especially on a night like tonight. One thing was for sure whether Drew kept her promise or not: if, in fact, Hector was simply attracted to Charlee but in no way interested in anything more as he’d made clear enough yesterday, this would be the last time Charlee gave into Drew. As persuasive as her friend could be, Charlee had to stand her ground at some point.

If she thought she might be asking for it by letting herself get caught up on a guy like Hector before, it was an even bigger gamble to allow it now. Because after staring so profoundly deep into his eyes yesterday and hearing the words he said with such sincerity, Charlee was beginning to fear the worst. She just may be falling in love with the guy.


The place was a madhouse. The last few fights they’d had here as part of their fall lineup for Friday Night Fights had been pretty packed, including Hector’s fight a few weeks ago, but tonight was a third-time rematch. Noah had almost lost to this guy the first time, but it was called a draw. Then the second time, Noah knocked the guy out. Now the guy had requested another rematch. Noah had agreed, even though he’d been distracted from his usual training because of his new baby this entire past year.

Hector knew Abel was worried that Noah might not be as ready as he’d been the last time he fought him. Hector reminded Abel that the last time Noah had fought this guy he had a lot going on too. He had been trying to get it together with his then roommate Roni. Things hadn’t been exactly going his way, and he’d still knocked the guy out.

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