No one. Not even Felix vouching for her would convince him if that’s what he truly believed. Just like the rest of the week the pain was a physical one. Her mother and Nana had said it was in her head but it wasn’t just her heart that ached. Everything inside her ached. Toni said it was normal to hurt this bad. But this couldn’t possibly be normal.

She walked back to the side of the car. Her phone rang in the passenger seat. It’d been ringing. She heard it earlier but she ignored it. As she picked it up it stopped ringing. She had three missed calls. All from Gio.

Her heart had just calmed from her near panic attack and it was going again. About to hit the voicemail key to listen to his messages it rang again.

Not sure what to think and almost terrified of what he might have to say to her, she answered anyway. “Hello?”

“Where are you?” his worried words demanded.

Confused, she glanced around. She hadn’t even noticed where she pulled over. “I don’t know, on Evergreen somewhere.”

“Pull over and lock the doors.” He spoke quickly—firmly. “Evergreen and what?”

“I am pulled over.” His tone was making her nervous. “Why? What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you when I get there.” She heard his motorcycle rev up. “Evergreen and what?”

Glancing around, then behind her she saw the cross street was Third Street. She was almost embarrassed to tell him she’d only gotten a few blocks before having to pull over.

“Third,” she said, as it sunk in that he’d be there with her soon.


“Stay there, Bianca. Please. I’ll be there in less than five.”

“Okay,” she said nodding, already looking around for him as the line clicked.

As soon as she saw the bike turn the corner and come toward her she got out of the car and came around to the sidewalk. She leaned against her car, her heart now pounding full throttle, the knot in her throat already unbearable. Regardless of what he had to say to her, just being close to him would have her in tears. She hated it but she was already sucking back the tears now and he hadn’t even gotten off his bike.

She watched as he pulled off his helmet, hung it on the handlebar and jumped off his bike. With a few long fast strides he was standing in front of her in seconds.

“I’m an idiot,” he said breathlessly as his big hands cradled her face and she could no longer hold back the tears. They poured out as she squeezed her eyes shut then felt his lips on them, kissing her eyelids softly. “I talked to Felix. He confirmed what a f**king idiot I’ve been. Please forgive me,” his voice broke as he pleaded. “Please. I should’ve never doubted you. I’m so sorry.”

Not even for a second did she consider not forgiving him. In hindsight maybe she should’ve been a little angrier at him for the hell he’d put her through. But that week alone had been enough to show her she could barely breathe without him. She forgave him instantly throwing her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

For once holding back the words that would’ve normally just flown out, she felt slightly empowered. Then he surprised her by saying the very thing she held back. “Stay here. Not just tonight but for good. We can get a room tonight and I’ll figure something else out later but I can’t be this far from you anymore. My heart can’t take it.”

Her heart doubled over and she could hardly believe just minutes ago it had been agonized by the very person who now made it flutter with joy.

Before the explosion she’d already begun to talk to her mom about the possibility of moving back down. Being away from Gio for days, maybe weeks, at a time just wasn’t going to work. Because her mother knew Bianca would finish school faster if she went back to Cal State LA, where she’d been attending before her father died, her mother had been all for it.

Bianca had no idea how this was going to work. No idea how an unemployed girl with no place to live and who still wanted to finish school with a boyfriend whose place of employment had just burned down was going to make it down here. But she nodded, already excited about the prospect of being with Gio every day. One way or another they’d figure it out.

Gio kissed her softly leaning his weight against her. “I love you,” he whispered again and again between kisses.

She laughed after the eighth or ninth time and he stopped to look in her eyes. “There’s my happy girl.”

Bianca had stopped fighting the pull he had on her long ago and fell happily into his deep gaze, taking a very deep and satisfied breath. “I’m never happier than when I’m with you.”

He smiled making her sigh. “Good, because I plan on having you with me all the time.”

“All the time?” she teased, noticing that since he got there that her tense body was finally relaxing.

“Yes, all the time.” He kissed her again, biting her lower lip when he was done. “Starting right now.” He pulled away. “Follow me back to my house. I want you to meet my mother and sisters.”

Her eyes flew open wide assuming that like the rest of the world his family must’ve been thinking the worst about her with all the news casts about her supposed publicity stunt.

His soothing smile immediately calmed her. “Don’t worry. They’re gonna love you.” He kissed her one last time softly before adding, “My mom doesn’t buy any of that shit on the tabloid shows.” He smiled. “I promise.”

Bianca stared at him as he walked back to his motorcycle. Was this really happening? Did everything actually get worked out? Was she really going to be moving down here and see him every day?

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