He heard Felix sigh. “Even though I knew it was ultimately my own fault I’d lost her, that I was going to lose her anyway once the truth about Shelley came out, I was still hurt about how it all went down. I wanted them to think there might still be a chance for me and her. I knew it’d get back to you and with all the shit on TV I knew you’d believe. I was still pissed at that point. Hell, I still am, only not so much at you as I am myself.” Felix let out an exasperated breath. “I ran into Evelyn just a few days after you left. She told me about you blowing her off. I know you wouldn’t blow off someone like Evelyn, especially after she said to you what she told me she did. I could only assume you and Bianca were already…” He stopped for a moment before continuing without ending that last statement. “You were loyal to Bianca even though she had someone else and I’d bet my savings account that you still haven’t even thought about another girl, right?”

Gio didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. Of course he hadn’t thought of another girl. He could barely think about anything else much less moving on to someone else.

“You know what I did that night, G? I made Evelyn’s little dangerous fantasy a reality.” Felix sounded disgusted with himself. “I think we both know who is more deserving of Bianca. And she deserves someone who can truly appreciate her. Except for the stuff about that girl being pregnant with my kid, none of that other shit they’re saying is true, G. It’s what those f**king tabloids do. Create a story where there’s not one. But even I wanted to believe there might be.”

Felix told him about how he’d swallowed his pride and went down to see her the day the press got all the pictures of them “back together.” Only what the press didn’t know was she’d turned him down flat.

Gio stood up in alarm. Bianca had been all but hysterical when she’d walked in. “I gotta go.”


Obviously Felix was stunned that Gio would cut him off mid heartfelt speech. But Gio didn’t have time to explain. He’d never forgive himself if Bianca had some kind of panic attack while driving or something because of his dumb ass.

“Listen, Felix thanks for this. We’ll talk some more soon,” he said pushing the garage door open as he stormed out. “I’ll explain later but I gotta go!”

He hung up and dialed Bianca, already sprinting to his bike.


Nearly hyperventilating for the third time this week, Bianca pulled over and got out of her car. She leaned her arm against the hood as the dry heaves kicked in. If her mother and Nana knew she was driving in that condition they’d be furious.


The anger but mostly immense hurt nearly suffocated her. Gio’s beautiful eyes had never looked at her the way they had tonight. They were so cold and full of revulsion. She was convinced whatever love he’d felt for her was completely gone now.

As the dry heaves slowly calmed, Bianca’s breathing began to go back to normal. Her lip began to quiver as it had so much this week. She was out of options now. All week she’d tried one thing after another. Trying hard to do as Noah said and respect Gio’s wishes, she’d held out this long and for what?

Her efforts to reach him had been in vain. Even after she stopped getting the “not in service” message. Now when she tried calling the new message was even worse. This number has restrictions which prevent the completion of this call. And she knew he’d blocked her number.

Bianca figured everyone had felt heartache at some point in their lives. She knew people went through divorces and breakups all the time. But much like what she felt for Gio during their happier times, the intensity of her heartache had been unbearable. She didn’t think she’d get over it—still didn’t.

She’d meant to walk in and calmly assure him that the stories were all lies. That she hadn’t and would never go back to Felix. She’d never be happy with anyone else but Gio. Just like all her other emotions when it came to him, she’d lost it when she saw him. The questions she’d wanted to ask him all week came blasting out.

She still didn’t understand—couldn’t fathom how he could possibly believe it after everything they’d gone through. After he’d seen, felt all the love she couldn’t hide from him even if she tried.

Toni suggested that perhaps Felix had said something to him to further his belief that the stories were true. Bianca had been so close to calling him to ask but each time she’d stopped when she remembered how inconsolable he’d been about Jack. She’d already felt horrible about the way she’d completely broken down in the car on their way to the hospital. There was no way she’d force Felix to further witness her heartache over his friend—the guy she cheated on him with.

Bianca had all but forgotten she had Roni’s number and after calling her and explaining to her as she sobbed, Roni made her promise she wouldn’t tell a soul that she’d been the one to tell Bianca about Gio sulking in his garage. Even as she drove down there she still held out hope that if he didn’t believe her she could, eventually, once a little time passed, beg Felix to help her get Gio to believe. She knew she was completely undeserving of any help from Felix, especially when it came to this but she’d been willing to plead with him if she had to.

Now even that last resort was out the door. Her biggest fear was confirmed tonight. Since she’d cheated on Felix with Gio, he now believed her to be that kind of girl. Not a girl who’d made a once-in-a-lifetime exception for that once-in-a-lifetime guy that she really was. She saw it in his eyes. He was convinced of this and that’s why he’d been so easily manipulated by all the lies.

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