As nice as that sounded Gio obsessed over every one of her words searching deep into her eyes. “No matter what happens? What do you think is gonna happen?”

She shook her head unable to break the hold he had on her. He could feel it just like all the other times she was locked in his gaze and he loved it. It meant something but he didn’t know what. “We can’t…” she started to say then she whispered, “Felix.”

Bianca didn’t even have to say it. Gio knew all too well. He’d thought of it before and he was still thinking it now. He couldn’t—shouldn’t do this to Felix. Only now, there was something even more profound he was feeling. There was no way he’d be able to keep this from happening again. In fact, he could hardly stand it now. He leaned in and did what he had to do and kissed her again. To his relief just like the first two times, she didn’t protest, kissing him back eagerly.

“Gio,” she finally spoke breathlessly in between kisses.

He wanted to shush her—tell her they shouldn’t talk about it. Just go with it. Whatever it was. Then just like she had so often done in the past couple of weeks, she surprised him with her next question. “You really wanna snowboard today?”

Gulping back excitement along with the anxiety of what she might possibly have in mind he stared at her. “What would you rather do?”

She laughed softly her face turning a slight shade of crimson. “No, please don’t think… I’m just saying. I have no idea what’s happening here…Why this is happening.” The last part she said almost to herself as she glanced around. “We should talk. But this is making me so nervous. Maybe we should go somewhere else. Somewhere where the paparazzi won’t get any pictures of us that might get back to Felix.”

Gio glanced around, stepping away from her immediately. He hadn’t even thought of that. Thankfully, they were too high up now for any paparazzi to be following them. Then he thought of their ski lift kiss and remembered they’d been pretty low when they first started but he hadn’t spotted any of the vultures earlier. Not that his mind was thinking very clearly when they exited the car. After the first week they now had plenty of photos of Bianca. So the paparazzi’s interest in her and Felix had died down significantly.

Bianca moved a stray strand of hair away from her face. Gio watched her mesmerized. “I mean if all we do is snowboard we could stay here—”

“Let’s get out of here,” Gio said bending over to strap his free foot onto his snowboard. He hoped she was saying what he thought she was saying; that she wanted to go somewhere more intimate where they could continue what they started. He’d leave the rationalizing and thinking this through for later. Right now, he could think of nothing better he’d rather be doing.

They made their way down the slope at an even pace, glancing at each other every now and again with knowing smiles. Gio pushed away any negative thoughts. This already felt like a betrayal on his part. How much further would he take this? How far would Bianca allow him too? Would he even try? Should he?


This was already far more than he had ever hoped for—even let himself consider. And leaving the slopes to possibly do more was her idea. That thought alone had his insides detonating. Gio breathed in deeply as they reached the bottom of the slope. He glanced around as they stopped looking out for any possibly paparazzi. There didn’t appear to be any but as much as he was dying to kiss her again, he couldn’t chance it.

The moment they were in the car and the driver closed the door Gio turned to her. “We could—” she started to say but Gio’s lips were already on hers, devouring the taste of her mouth then it hit him and he stopped, pulling away to look in her eyes.

“We could what?”

She smiled, her face once again tingeing with color. “I was gonna say we could go to the movies. It’s nice and dark in there.”

Not exactly what Gio had been envisioning but he’d take it. “Sounds good to me,” he said, sitting back with a frown at the sound of the front door opening and the driver getting in.

Bianca had already instructed the driver to take them back to the cabin so they could change, explaining to him briefly that they’d decided to call it a day early after she’d pulled something she was afraid would get worse if they continued.

Gio had been torn between being impressed by how quickly she’d come up with an excuse or being disturbed by it. He never would’ve pegged her for a being a good liar but he supposed after today they both would have to be or this could blow up in their faces in a very bad way.

He played with her fingers on their drive back as they sat in comfortable silence. An automatic insta-smile was plastered on his face the moment their eyes would meet and she matched it each time. It was everything Gio could do to keep from kissing her right there. Take her face in his hands and just claim her, even in front of the driver. Claim her—because even if it was only for today she was his and he was going to make the most of it. But he knew they’d have to be careful.

The car pulled up to the front door of the cabin and Gio once again took advantage of the seconds it took the driver to walk to the back of the car to kiss Bianca like it was their last kiss ever.

Warily he pulled away when he heard the door handle pulled. They exited the car and made their way to the front door of the cabin. Bianca turned to him suddenly her worried doe-eyes at full attention.

“What?” he asked, anxious to get inside where he might sneak in a few more kisses.

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