The doe eyes made their appearance and Gio breathed in deeply. “I shouldn’t…” She bit her bottom lip then smiled.

That wasn’t a no and that alone made Gio’s heart step it up a notch. “But?”

“I guess I can skip class but I really have to watch that stupid seminar.” She smiled as brightly as she had when he first walked in the room. “I can do that tonight though.”

The excitement Gio felt was different from any he’d ever felt because it was laced with something else. Something perilous seeped in along with the exhilaration. Something that took a little from the thrill of knowing he’d have her all to himself today. Strangely, the silent warning is what made the time he spent waiting while she got ready after breakfast that much more agonizing.

By the time they were in the car Gio felt like a kid ready to board a rollercoaster. It was as if his body and soul were already anticipating what was to come. The whole way to the ski resort they spoke just as comfortably as they always had with the difference now being that, unlike in those first few days, they kept stopping sometimes mid-sentence to just stare in each other’s eyes.

The only thing that kept Gio from kissing her was he had no way of knowing how close Felix was to all his staff. The driver would be witness to it with one glance in the rearview mirror. If Gio did give into the insatiable urge he had now it wouldn’t be just a soft kiss that could be construed as a friendly kiss. If he did this, he was going for it all the way.

They reached the resort and the driver got out. Gio knew he had less than a minute before the driver opened the back door for them. He couldn’t stand it any longer; he had to at least taste what he’d been obsessing over for days now.

He leaned into her as she undid her seatbelt and her head jerked up at the feel of his body pressed against hers. Her eyes were immediately on his lips and he leaned in licking her bottom lip softly, making her gasp. For one horrific moment, he thought she might protest and that he may have just ruined everything. Then to his surprise, she brought her hand around his neck and pulled her to him kissing him wildly, making him groan in her mouth. The door opened and they flew apart. Gio was certain this was what it felt like just before you had a heart attack, because his heart had never beat so violently. He gulped hard, trying to get it together as he got out of the car and at the same time savored the taste of her still in his mouth.

They didn’t say too much as they made their way to the lift. Bianca mentioned the crowd not being bad and maybe trying a new, more difficult trail this time. Gio could barely think straight. He could still feel her soft lips on his, taste her tongue in his mouth. Once they were on the lift, he turned to face her. “Bianca?”

She looked in his eyes but said nothing. Gio had considered possibly apologizing or at the very least explaining why he’d done what he’d done, but he saw her eyes on his lips again and the moment she licked her own his entire train of thought was shot. He leaned in and kissed her again only this time it wasn’t nearly as wild as in the car. She let her head fall back as he kissed her deeper, his tongue seeking out every inch of her delicious mouth.

Knowing that getting carried away could be dangerous up on the lift he refrained from doing all the other things he wanted to do. Like suck her lips and taste her neck but just kissing her was already working him into a frenzy. Her hand was on his thigh and she kept sliding it up and down, squeezing at times. That alone was driving him insane, making him kiss her even deeper.


They kissed the entire way up, the only times he’d pulled away at all was to look deep in her eyes. He wanted to make absolutely sure she wasn’t regretting this. Gio had no idea how this was going to work or how far this would go. Was this the only time she’d allow this? He didn’t even want to consider that. There’d be no way he’d be able to fight this anymore. Not knowing what he knew now. That she was just as hungry for him as he was for her. Not once since he’d started kissing her had she so much as slowed it down. Her tongue kept up with his, matching every swirl, even sucking on his tongue like he did hers.

When they reached the top, Gio was thankful for the thick ski pants. But if anyone was looking closely they’d see the evidence of their ravished marathon kiss the whole way up.

As soon as they got off Gio took her hand. Just like that first day when he held it for just a moment, he felt the current-like blaze that shot through him from simply touching her. It was insanity. This after just kissing her nonstop all the way up the mountain.

Bianca shivered. “You cold?” It dawned on him just then these were the first words either of them had spoken since he said her name at the bottom of the lift.

She shook her head. “No.” She smiled and he was relieved that she wasn’t having second thoughts yet about what was happening.

That was just it though. What was happening? Did he dare ask and ruin it or should he just go with it and enjoy it as long as it lasted?

She turned to him her beautiful eyes bigger than ever. “You’re not gonna tell Felix, are you?”

“Of course not.” Okay, maybe they were going to talk about it.

“I’ve never wanted to kiss someone so badly in my life,” she explained, stopping in front of him. This was just one of the things that had Gio falling for her fast. The way she just said what was on her mind regardless of the circumstances. “No matter what happens, I just want you to know kissing you will probably be one of, if not the most gratifying experiences of my life.”

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