We’ve assumed the position. Garrett on his back, my head on his chest, legs appropriately woven in a proprietary pattern. My arm is lying across his stomach, my breasts pressed to his side. He strokes my arm with his fingertips and our breathing evens out.

I am mellow and happy.

I had another wonderful evening with my mom and my boyfriend, and it no longer seems odd to call Garrett that. We’ve been seeing each other three weeks exclusively, so I guess that is what he should be called. Lover just seems odd.

Hello, this is my lover, Garrett Samuelson, I think inside my head. Yup, definitely too odd to introduce him that way.

“What’s going on inside that pretty head of yours?” Garrett asks, his voice rumbling within his chest as I lie upon it.

Idly stroking the skin over his ribs, I say, “Just that it doesn’t seem weird to consider you my boyfriend.”

Garrett chuckles. “Is that what I am?”

“I guess. I played it out in my head, how I would introduce you to someone, and calling you my lover just doesn’t seem kosher.”

Snickering, Garrett turns his face slightly and kisses me on my head. “Definitely sounds weird. I can accept boyfriend.”

Sighing with a smile, I listen to his heart beating strong and steady. That’s Garrett…strong and steady.

“I do believe I’m going to miss your mom when she’s gone,” Garrett muses. “She’s a lot of fun to hang out with, but I am looking forward to being able to have wild and loud sex with you again.”


“I know…this quiet stuff is for the birds. I want to scream your name at the top of my lungs.”

We both start laughing, and we automatically tighten our hold on each other.

“Olivia?” Garrett says once it gets quiet again. His voice is soft…hesitant.


“I’m really worried about your next treatment. You know I’m going to be traveling over the days that the chemo is scheduled for, right?”

“I know. I put all of your games on my calendar. But don’t worry…Stevie and Sutton will take care of me.”

Garrett’s chest rises with a deep breath he pulls in, and when he lets it out he says, “I know…but I want to be the one that takes care of you.”

I push up onto my elbow so I can look at Garrett. His face is filled with frustration and worry. “Hey,” I tell him as my hand strokes his chest. “It’s okay. You helped take care of me last time. Stevie and Sutton can handle it this time.”

“I know,” he huffs. “I know they can do it. I just want to do it, and my fucking job is interfering.”

“Your world can’t stop for me,” I tell him firmly. “We’ll just figure out how to work around it.”

“I know that too,” he grits out. “I get all of that. But you know…I love hockey more than the air I breathe. Nothing has ever been a priority over it. I get all juiced up and excited over every single game. It’s an adrenaline rush and the greatest high ever. But for the first time ever…I’m a little resentful of it.”

I roll my body so I come to rest on top of Garrett. His arms come up and his hands cover my ass to hold me in place. Crossing my arms over his chest, I rest my chin there and look at him. “I’m sorry. You know I don’t ever want to stand in the way of your career. I want to support you in that as well, and I’m telling you right now…I totally want you to go play, and you can rest at ease knowing I’ll be fine.”

“I’m just not liking it…being gone while I know how sick you’re going to be.”

I push my body forward so my lips can meet his. I kiss him lightly and then nuzzle my cheek against his. “The mere fact that you care so much about it is enough to sustain me, Garrett. You are part of my strength in all of this.”

He smiles at me in gratitude and pride. “You actually inspire me. I see how amazing you are and how well you’re handling all of this. You have so much courage. It makes me stronger.”

“So, what you’re saying is that we make a nice couple. We complement each other.”

“I think we make a fucking fantastic couple.”

“Well, we got another week and a half before we have to worry about the next round of treatment. I know you have an away game next week, but I say we take advantage of our time together and try to kill each other with sex.”

“Mmmmm,” he moans, and I can feel him start to swell underneath me. “I’m liking the sound of that. Ready for round two?”

“Round three for you,” I remind him. “You got a blow job this afternoon.”

“But you came twice this last time,” he points out as he pushes down on my ass to grind me on his erection.

“True enough. Regardless, I’m ready for the next round, but then we need to get some sleep. We have to be up early to get Mom to the airport.”

“That’s going to be a problem,” he says as he runs his tongue along my lower lip. “I feel like playing with you a little bit right now.”

Flipping our bodies, he presses me down into the mattress and proceeds to start kissing my body. I slide my fingers in his hair and sigh, so fucking happy with my life right now. Yes, I have cancer. Yes, I may die from it one day. But I can’t even be too down about that, because I also have Garrett.

Chapter 19


My pulse is pounding in sync with the loud rock music blaring from the speakers. I transfer the weight on my skates, rocking from side to side with nervous energy. Alex stands just in front of me, tapping the blade of his stick against his ankle. We all have our little pregame habits…especially during a moment such as this. When we’re getting ready to skate out onto home ice for the first game of the regular season.

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