I flick on the light, push Garrett farther into the room, and then shut the door, turning the lock.

“I’m pretty sure I thought you were the most amazing woman on the planet,” Garrett says as he steps toward me in a predatory manner. His eyes are hungry as they roam all over me. “But if you pushed me back here for a little quickie, then I’m going to have to build a temple within which to worship your greatness.”

I snicker, but then reach out to undo his belt. “No quickie. I am finally going to give you a blow job.”

Garrett hisses between his teeth, groans, and then rumbles. “Oh, fuck…most perfect woman in the world.”

“Damn straight,” I whisper, and once I get his pants unzipped, I give him a little push toward one of the chairs that sits opposite Stevie’s desk. “Sit down in the chair.”

“You’re the boss,” he says with a grin, and despite our humor, I also see the underlying need in his eyes and in the massive erection that’s just beyond that zipper.

Just as Garrett is getting ready to lower himself in the seat, I say, “Wait. Push your pants down. Go ahead and get that cock out for me.”

“Jesus, Olivia…I don’t know if I can handle you dirty-talking right now.”

“Give me something to put my mouth on and you won’t be hearing anything from me,” I say with a grin as I step up to him. I watch hungrily as he pushes his pants down, and, yeah…that huge shaft comes free and I’m taking it in my hands so I can stroke it.

Garrett practically falls back into the chair and moans as my hands roam over the soft skin. He watches me through half-lidded eyes as I kneel down between his legs and lick my lips. I lean forward to take him in my mouth, but his hand comes out and caresses my cheek. “I really did miss you.”


My heart sighs over the reverence in his voice, and I give him a sweet smile. “I really missed you too.”

I let our gazes hold for just a moment more, then I bend my head over him. That first soft touch of my tongue on him and both of his hands sink into my hair while he whispers, “Yes.”

Yes is right.

Yes, this is amazing and beautiful and sinful.

I love the way he tastes and the way he smells. As I take him farther into my mouth and lightly suck, I love the way his hips flex upward and I know he has no control over his actions. Because I’m making him feel so good.

“Baby…I’m not going to last long,” Garrett says softly. “Want me to push you off?”

I give a half-growl, half-moan and give my head a slight shake in the negative while I pick up the pace. While I’d love to draw this out, I sure as hell don’t want Stevie coming back here and ruining the moment for us.

I bob my head up and down on his shaft, using one hand to stroke at the thick base and my other to lightly stroke his balls. I want to touch them more, but they feel so delicate and I don’t want to hurt him. I’ve not done this before, and there’s so much I don’t know. I only know that what I’m doing right now feels good to Garrett, because his breathing is harsh and he’s thrusting upward into my mouth.

“I’m going to come,” Garrett pants, his grip tightening in my hair. He goes absolutely still and whispers in sharp bursts as he fills my mouth, “Fu-u-u-u-u-ck. Oh, fuck. So good.”

I immediately swallow, not totally digging the taste but completely loving what I just did to him. This is definitely something I’m going to keep on the agenda.

I pull away from Garrett as he softly slips out of my mouth. Resting my hands on his thighs, I ask him, “Was that okay?”

Garrett pulls on me, and since his hands are still plastered to the side of my head, I have no choice but to raise up. He brings me right to his mouth and gives me a slow kiss, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth for a leisurely mating with my own. When he pulls away, he kisses my lips softly and says, “There are no words to describe what that was. Possibly one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”

“I’m glad,” I say with a beaming smile. “Because I really, really enjoyed doing that to you.”

“How about letting me return the favor right now?” he asks mischievously.

I stand up all the way and give myself a slight stretch because that position caused a little ache in my lower back. “No can do. I have way too much work to do so I can get out of here on time.”

“Can I help?” Garrett asks as he stands and tucks himself back in his pants.

“Absolutely,” I say as I walk over and open the office door. “I’ll have you cut all the new flowers that arrived today for tomorrow’s work. That will give me a boost.”

Turning to walk out the door, I run smack into Stevie. He’s standing there with his hands crossed over his chest and a knowing look in his eyes. “Having a private moment?” he purrs.

Garrett walks up behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. “Just making out a little. I missed her and couldn’t wait until tonight to get a kiss.”

“Mmmm, hmmmm,” Stevie murmurs, but I can tell by the tone of his voice he doesn’t buy the whole “we were just kissing” act.

Oh, well. I’m pleased with what I just did, and I know damn well Garrett is, and I know if Stevie really knew what just happened in his office, he’d be pleased for both of us. But I’m not about to share those intimate details with him. That’s for me and Garrett alone.

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