“Good morning.” She smiled.

He leaned over and pulled her into a warm embrace.

“I’ve been up and about, but I returned a little while ago to check on you. You’re very peaceful when you sleep.” He kissed her sweetly, then walked to the closet to retrieve a sweater.

Julia rolled onto her stomach and shamelessly ogled him, admiring the way his dress shirt skimmed across his shoulders. From her current vantage point, she could also admire his backside, hugged as it was by his black jeans.

Now that’s a damn fine derrière, she thought.

Gabriel peered at her over his shoulder. “What was that?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

His lips pulled inward, as if he were restraining a grin. “Oh, really?”

He walked over and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I didn’t know that you were an ass girl.”

“Gabriel!” Somewhat embarrassed at having been caught, she smacked his arm lightly, and they both began to laugh.

He caught her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap. “However, I would like to state unequivocally that my ass is quite flattered.”


“Oh really?” She arched an eyebrow.

“Extremely. And he wishes for me to convey his very best greetings and — ah — he looks forward to making your acquaintance in a more personal  manner when we’re in Florence.”

Julia shook her head at him and leaned forward, begging for a kiss. She was rewarded with a brief but tender exchange before Gabriel pulled back.

He grew serious all of a sudden. “I need to talk to you about a couple of things.”

She chewed at her lip and waited.

“Simon   has been arrested and there are multiple charges. His father has dispatched the family attorney to save him, and there are rumors of a plea bargain.”


“Apparently, the senator wishes to keep the sordid story out of the news. Scott placed a call to the prosecutor and received his assurance that your case will be given a very high priority. Scott emphasized that all of us would like to see the outcome include prison and not some sort of halfway house or treatment program. But given Simon’s connections, I think prison is unlikely.”

Julia made a mental note to thank Scott for speaking up for her. “What about you? Are you in danger?”

Gabriel grinned. “The Talbot family lawyer made noises about pressing charges. Thankfully, my brother had a short but illuminating conversation with him, pointing out that the press would be very interested in hearing my side of the story, as well as yours. I won’t be charged. Needless to say, everyone involved is now sick of Scott.”

Julia closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. The thought of something happening to Gabriel was painful, especially since she’d brought this trouble to them both.

“I need to take a shower and get dressed,” she said, opening her eyes.

Gabriel gave her a heated look and trailed a single finger down the length of her arm. “I would dearly like to shower with you, but I’m afraid such an act would scandalize my relations.”

Julia shivered. “Well, I can’t have you scandalizing your relations, Professor Emerson.”

“Indeed, Miss Mitchell. It would be most shocking. Most shocking. So in the interest of decorum, my very flattered ass and I will forego showering with you.” He leaned forward, his eyes glowing. “For now.”

She laughed, and he left her to her daily ablutions.

When Julia returned to her bedroom after her shower, she found Gabriel hovering in the hallway. “Is something wrong?”

He shook his head. “I wanted to be sure you didn’t trip or something.

Where are your crutches?”

“In my room. I’m okay, Gabriel.” She limped past him. When she found her hairbrush, she began to pull it awkwardly through her long, tangled tresses.

“Let me do that.” Gabriel walked toward her and took the hairbrush from her hand.

“You’re going to brush my hair?”

“Why not?” He pulled out a chair and encouraged her to sit down, and then he stood behind her and slowly began to run his fingers from crown to ends, disentangling her hair manually.

Julia closed her eyes.

Gabriel continued for a moment or two before bringing his lips to her ear. “Does this please you?”

She hummed at him, her eyes still closed.

He chuckled and shook his head. She was so sweet and easy to please.

And he wanted to please her, desperately. When all the tangles had been removed, he gently stroked the brush through her hair, working slowly, section by section.

Never in her wildest dreams had Julia imagined Gabriel as a hairdresser.

But there was something instinctual about the way he touched her, and the feeling of his long fingers coaxing her hair made her skin warm. She could only imagine the joys that awaited her in Florence when she would be able to enjoy all of him. Naked. She crossed her legs quickly.

“Am I enticing you, Miss Mitchell?” his honeyed voice whispered.


“Then I must not be doing this correctly.” He restrained a chuckle and slowed his movements through her hair, pressing his lips to the edge of her ear. “Although my true purpose is to make you smile.”

“Why are you so kind to me?”

His fingers stilled. “That’s an extraordinary question to ask your lover.”

“I mean it, Gabriel. Why?”

He moved his fingers through her hair again. “You’ve been kind to me since the first time I met you. Why wouldn’t I be? Don’t you think you deserve to be treated with kindness?”

Julia elected not to pursue her original question further. Despite the fact that she’d been overwrought the night before, she remembered confessing her love to him at the hospital. But her declaration had not been returned.

This is enough, she thought. His actions, his kindness, his protection. This is more than enough. I don’t need the words.

Julia loved him so much it hurt; she’d always loved him, and her love had burned so brightly that even during her darkest days its luminosity had not died. But Gabriel didn’t seem to return her love.

When he’d finished with her hair, he insisted on making her lunch.

Afterward, they sat together in the kitchen, making plans for the evening, until the telephone rang and Richard walked in, carrying the cordless phone.

“It’s your father,” he said, handing the phone to Julia.

Gabriel intercepted it and covered the mouthpiece with his hand.

“You don’t have to talk to him. I’ll take care of it.”

“We’ll have to talk eventually.” Julia slipped off the bar stool and hobbled on her crutches into the dining room.

Richard shook his head at his son. “You can’t get in between Julia and Tom.”

“He hasn’t been much of a father.”

“He’s the only father she has. And she is the light of his life.”

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed. “If he cared for her at all, he would have protected her.”

Richard placed a hand on his shoulder. “Parents make mistakes. And sometimes, it’s easier to place your head in the sand than to admit that your child is in trouble. And that it’s your fault. I know this from personal experience.”

Gabriel pursed his lips but said nothing.

Within ten minutes, Julia returned. Despite Richard’s continued presence in the kitchen, Gabriel drew her into a hug and kissed her cheek. “Is everything okay?”

“My dad wants to take me to dinner tonight,” she blurted.

Richard seemed to recognize her admission as his exit cue, so he retreated upstairs to his study.

“Do you want to see him?”

“It’s going to be uncomfortable. But I said I would go.”

“Julianne, you don’t have to do anything. I’l take you to dinner, instead.”

She shook her head. “He’s trying, Gabriel. He’s my father. I have to give him a chance.”

Gabriel shook his head in frustration but elected not to argue with her.

At six o’clock sharp, Tom Mitchell appeared on the Clark’s doorstep wearing a tie with a dress shirt and trousers. He tugged at his tie nervously.

He wasn’t used to wearing one. But for Julia…

Richard quickly welcomed him into the living room and entertained him while they waited for Julia to come downstairs.

“Are you sure you want to go?” Gabriel was reclining on his bed, watching Julia apply lipstick with the use of her compact.

“I’m not going to stand up my own father. Besides, Rachel is dragging Richard to see a chick flick, and you’re going out with the guys. I’d end up sitting here all alone.”

Gabriel pushed himself off the bed and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “You wouldn’t be alone. You’d be with me. And I do know how to keep a lady entertained.” He began pressing wet kisses behind her ear to try to persuade her. “You’re stunning,” he whispered.

She blushed. “Thank you.”

“Rachel found you a scarf.” He fingered the edge of a blue silk Hermès design that his sister had artful y wrapped around Julia’s neck to conceal her bite mark.

“It was Grace’s,” said Julia softly. “A gift from Richard.”

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