Ethan arrived home early, heavy in tread and even heavier in heart. He hoped there was a reasonable explanation for the documents in his hand and more crucially the photos in his pocket.

There had to be.

As he approached his study a voice that had become dear to him, a voice now with the power to pierce his soul came softly through the open doorway and sealed its owners fate.

'Of course I remember…yes, everything…It's all falling into place…No, he doesn't suspect a thing…Just a few more hours then I'll have everything' -a soft laugh- 'He won't know what hit him. See you soon, Wayne.'

Wayne? Each incriminating statement drove Ethan's weariness away to be replaced with equal measures of black rage and insufferable pain. He entered his study to confront the woman that had stolen his heart in a vain attempt to take it back. It was the secret smile that finally brought Ethan undone. A smile that one day he had hoped would be his alone was now, he was devastated to discover, reserved for Wayne. Wayne, the sleaze in the photo, the name in her nightmares, no…dreams? It took all his considerable self control to stop himself from physically launching himself at this parody of an angel.

Kate hung up the phone and, unaware she was being watched, smiled through a big heart felt sigh, ran tired hands through her hair and slumped into the soft leather of the study chair. She imagined the look on Ethan's face tomorrow when he walks in on his party. She was pretty confident that he would take it in his stride and enjoy the planned festivities.

Sensing his presence Kate spun around in the chair heat spreading up her neck. She suspected that secretive activities were not a feature of her lost life and that lying was not a well honed skill. Maybe in her real life she really was a nice person. Rising a tad too quickly from the chair Kate moved towards the door. As usual staying in Ethan's presence was playing havoc with her equilibrium. His recent flirting even more so. As she approached that heady mix of lime aftershave and Ethan assailed her senses. Better to escape to the kitchen.

'Hello you're home early' she said as she went to pass him, pleased that her voice sounded so calm despite the close call.

'Who was on the phone?' Ethan ground out as he latched none too gently onto Kate's arm pulling her roughly against his chest.


With a shocked gasp, Kate looked into his eyes and saw disgust and barely restrained rage burning whilst leashed violence radiated from his stance, so at odds with his recent manner towards her. For the first time in her short life she felt fear. Though never before having feared Ethan she quelled a strong urge to flee. Hastily reconstructing the telephone conversation in her head Kate thought a little dose of the truth would go a long way to hiding the full story.

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