The rest of the lunch raced by so that in no time at all Jem found herself back in the limo, alone reliving her "date" with Ethan. Conversation had flowed freely like the wine though Jem wasn't sure if Ethan had had more than one glass. Surely she couldn't have drunk nearly half the bottle as evidenced by the tell tale tide mark glimpsed before Ethan had put the bottle back in the ice bucket. Feeling light headed she probably had. Or was she light headed from the sensual fog Ethan had draped over her from the moment he helped her out of the limo. As she recalled each moment of the lunch Jem cringed in embarrassment. Had she really slipped off her sandal and rubbed her toes up Ethan's shin. Thank god her short legs and his close proximity had prevented her from going higher. She knew she had wanted to. Still seeing Ethan blush had been worth it. Normally so controlled she had had him rattled just as he had been rattling her cage since he had berthed his boat. Was it only yesterday that the cold war had ceased? Was it a truce or surrender? And who was on the losing side? There would be one, she pessimistically concluded. Only in fairy tales did the dashing prince and his lady love live happily ever after in a fairytale castle.

Letting her head fall back against the soft leather of the back seat, a secret smile hovering on her lips Jem vowed to enjoy the tale while it lasted. Maybe even have a say in the ending.

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