'Handy?' Imogen felt a slight lifting of her depressed mood only for it to plummet back down.

'Oh you know. Handy to where you find work. Perhaps a position in one of my companies. I'm sure a place can be found for you after all you're handy with a computer, and a quick study.'

Quick to fall in love too, Imogen admitted to herself glumly. Ethan's eagerness to set her free or was that free himself was disheartening. Ethan gets me a new job, a new place to live, a new life but he's not part of the job lot. She noticed he seemed oblivious to her blackening mood over his endorsement of her ideas. Why shouldn't he be? After all she had brought it up, she chided herself.

'You're too kind.' She muttered.

'If you want I could line up some interviews with some of my companies HR managers.'

'Fabulous. Just dandy.' She mumbled.

'A word from me and you'll be set.'

'Fine.' Her sarcasm, barely audible.

Imogen knew she had passed him the ball and should have been happy when he ran with it. He probably thought offering her a job was the perfect 'runaway try', no video ref needed but it certainly hadn't made it on to her score board. She felt compelled to begin the process of cutting the umbilical cord but had hoped that Ethan would be reluctant to let go. His behaviour today had certainly suggested to her that a deeper relationship was on his agenda. It was galling to realise then that his thoughts on this glorious day lent more towards ending what relationship they did have, not forging a closer one. How wrong could a girl be?

'When you're settled, if you like, you could come over, to visit…Chloe…of course.'


The conversion sucked as well. By deeds he drew her closer but by words he pushed her away.

In a quiet voice Imogen replied to his invitation. 'That would be nice.'

Chloe's return bearing her treasures held gingerly in her pulled up t-shirt saved Imogen from any more of Ethan's bright ideas or even having to show any enthusiasm for his plans. After all didn't they gel with her plans as well? She knew she was being contrary but couldn't help it. Imogen had wanted to move on, eventually. Ethan it seemed just wanted her to move out. Soon.

Ethan knew he had put his foot in it, but what it was, was beyond him. A definite black mood had settled on the lady sitting beside him at the controls. He was no fool. It was bound up with her future plans. Though in hindsight, replaying their words, the conversation had quickly become one-sided with monosyllabic answers her only contribution. Still, after agonising over how and when to raise the subject she had raised the subject herself. He just followed her lead. Or was that took the lead?

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