'You're not sponging, Imogen.'

'Maybe not the right turn of phrase but nevertheless I can't keep taking advantage of your generosity. You've been wonderful and in no way have you made me feel like I'm a burden-'

'Because you're not.'

'Ethan! Let me finish!'

'I just want to make sure you feel secure in your place in my life.'

That's the problem, Imogen inwardly cringed, she didn't know her place, especially in his life, didn't feel secure in the slightest.

'It's just, I need to face up to the fact that I'm not going to get my memory back any time soon, if ever and I need to …well… move on as I said. Get a job, a place to live. Maybe then my memory will return. I'm grateful for everything but I can't keep living-existing- in this kind of a limbo, wonderful though it is.' Imogen was about to continue to justify her plans when Ethan's quiet words made hers die in her throat.

'Maybe that's for the best.'

Deflated Imogen could not help but show her disappointment at Ethan's quick capitulation. No protest that it was too soon or that she wouldn't cope, or to wait until her memory showed signs of returning. Nothing to endorse her nascent hopes. Phew had she got it wrong or what! Ethan's blatant innuendos and sexual come-on was just plain flirting - harmless and without substance. Maybe he was like that with all the girls of his acquaintance. Or maybe it was to give her an out, a reason for leaving. But then why the cold shoulder and then a complete volte face, even to the point of taking a day off to be with her. Maybe it wasn't her at all. He just wanted someone to look out for Chloe while he took his new toy for a spin. His next words only served to drive the stake deeper into her heart and extinguish dreams.

'I've been thinking along those lines too. I can't keep relying on you to look after Chloe and do small errands for me. You have the right to my generosity as you called it for as long as you need it. But you eventually have to carve out a new life for yourself, and so, perhaps, to find a way back to your old one. I'd like to help in any way I can.' Warming to his theme he continued. 'We'll contact a HR professional who can determine what skills you have that lie hidden and what interests you have. Just like a careers advisor in schools. Then we can go job hunting. Once that's secure we'll find a small flat, nice and handy.'


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