'As I was saying, Ethan said in my bedroom -' O.K. so it was in the doorway on his way out, 'that he was going into work.'

Clearly put out Magnolia grumbled 'I'm sure he said he would be home today. I wanted to surprise him and take him out to brunch it being his birthday soon. When will he be home?' Once again quite pointedly directing her question to Darlene.

'He didn't say.' Although Felicity was sure he did. 'Do you know my dear?'

'He said he'd be coming home to have lunch…with me.' No lie there as I'll be here to have lunch as well. 'And anyway his birthday is next Saturday and we-'

At this point Darlene dropped or was that flung a stack of metal baking dishes that she had been removing from the dishwasher onto the floor the resounding crash interrupting Felicity's admission regarding the party.

When the two women, the third not deigning to help, were bent over retrieving the dishes Darlene whispered. 'Not a word about the party, my dear.'

Not hearing the whispered advice Magnolia mused out loud, 'Perhaps I could throw a party for Ethan. After all that is what I do.' Magnolia, her musings not aimed at the two women, warmed to the theme. 'I could have it at the yacht club followed by a harbour cruise. Only the right people of course.'

Felicity caught Darlene's eye, clearly of two minds about keeping the knowledge that preparations for a party for Ethan were well under way. 'What now?' she mouthed.

Darlene's slight shake of her head kept her silent.

'But then nooo. There isn't enough time to get a booking, to get the invitations out and expect the returns.' On a sigh Magnolia finally looked at the two relieved women now standing upright in front of her. 'I'll just have to take him out for a night on the town. Be a dear and let him know I called in and was soo sorry I missed him.' Magnolia reached into her handbag and removed a small spray bottle and liberally applied it. With that Magnolia left, unfortunately not all her fragrance left with her.


'I don't remember seeing her name on the invite list you gave me, Darlene, and yet she and Ethan seem to be an item.'

'Only in her dreams, Felicity.'

'Are you sure?'

"I…think so? Ethan and that…woman used to date but he hasn't been out with her for a while. But then he hasn't been out with anyone else either for a while.'

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