A tall, hate her already, blonde, double that, and gorgeous, three out, all out, woman sat sipping a coffee provided by an unsmiling Darlene.

'Why, this must he little orphan Annie…' Can you get out four times? 'I'm Magnolia.' She paused as if that was supposed to be significant to Felicity. 'Ethan has told me sooo much about you and your…unfortunate circumstances. It must be sooo distressing. No one not even family searching for you, no friends missing you…Wonder if your fingerprints could throw up your identity?'

Stunned and speechless at the hurtful barbs from a woman she hadn't even met before and the knowledge that Ethan had been discussing her plight with others Felicity could only stare opened mouthed at the contradiction before her. Lovely on the outside, ugly inside.

Not a fan of blabbermouth Ethan either at the moment.

Darlene it seemed was not so paralysed. She thumped pots and pans around the kitchen her displeasure at Magnolias jibes clear.

Felicity quickly recovered and returned the salvo. 'Nice to meet you….Magnolia. Unusual fragrance you're wearing…' Felicity sniffed the air '...Hey it's magnolia isn't it? Which came first?'

The source of the scent looked puzzled.

'Magnolia - the scent or the name? Good thing you didn't prefer Poison as your signature fragrance.' Despite being apt, she added silently.

'My name of course!' The blonde rearranged herself on the stool crossing her legs to emphasis their length, her hand smoothing out the impeccably pressed pantsuit. 'Speaking of which it's so quaint changing your name every day. What are you today?'

'Today? My name begins with F. I liked the idea of Frangipani but I'd rather not have my name conjuring up a plant or an odour. So I chose Felicity. Feminine but unpretentious.'


Magnolia looked like she wasn't sure if she should be offended.

Darlene looked like she knew she had been, and glad of it too.

Deciding she had been the tall woman pointedly turned her back on Felicity and addressed Darlene. 'Where is Ethan by the way?'

'Well the last time I saw him was in my bedroom.'

Spluttering Magnolia spun to face the source of the information trying not to cough violently as her coffee went down the wrong way.

'Oh Magnolia! Are you alright?' Felicity's tone all concern as she thumped the gasping woman firmly between the shoulder blades 4 times. Why 4 she wasn't sure. Just knew that was right. Another memory? The wracking coughs and thumps while not too heavy handed served to shift the heavily lacquered chignon off centre and brought a baleful glare from underneath the bun.

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