Darlene probably meant Ethan's sometimes high handed manner but Cathie was worried that she could also get used to his lifestyle where mundane things like the cost of a meal were irrelevant. Cathie was sure that one day this bubble was going to burst. Taking a deep breath and once again reminding herself that she had no real choice at the moment Cathie decided to take the housekeepers advice and relax and enjoy. She vowed though to steer clear of the lobster and barramundi because she didn't need a price to tell her they would be expensive.

'What would you ladies like to drink while you are waiting?' a young Greek god asked them.

Darlene ordered a Brandy Alexander while Cathie mindful of the doctor's advice asked for Bitters and Squash. When the drinks arrived Darlene made a toast that later had Cathie wondering at a hidden agenda.

'Here's to the future, looking brighter by the minute.'


Clinking glasses the two women placed their order and settled back to admire the view. The restaurant fronted the harbour so there was a constant parade of commuter ferries, river cats, hydrofoils and small water taxis.

Cathie drew in the combined smell of salt water and city closing her eyes trying to dredge up a memory of such a scene but all she felt was a creepy feeling like she was being watched. She spun around hoping to catch someone watching her but saw no one, no quick turn of a head, no raising of a menu to suggest scrutiny, no one just a …feeling.

'Stop trying so hard, child. Memory of your life will come back and, well if it doesn't you'll just have to create yourself a new one, even maybe a better one.'

Shrugging her shoulders and returning her focus to her dining companion and away from that feeling Cathie replied 'But Darlene why aren't I missing from my old one? I've been racking my brains trying to rationalize why no one is looking for me. Maybe I'm on a long holiday around Australia after the death of my family. Maybe I'm a recluse who paints living in a garret.'


Warming to the theme Darlene added. 'Maybe you're a famous writer with a pseudonym that everyone thinks is in seclusion finishing off the next best seller. But don't ask me to name any top authors. My joy comes from romance books where the women are beautiful and feisty, the men dashing and the end always happy.' Darlene vowed to herself that this story would end likewise.

Cathie thought she would like that genre too. Shame her own story didn't fit the pattern. While Ethan fit the bill she did not see herself as beautiful enough. The heroines in the books were always lovely inside as well as out. She could pass as pretty if too thin but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't imagine a well loved person not being missed by her loved ones.

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