'Ethan got any money left?'

'Don't listen to him Cathie.'

'But you really didn't need to try and spend so much.'

'Piffle! Ethan can never be described as tight with his money. The poor boy feels responsible for you. Everything he gives you, or does for you is done as a way of saying thanks. Today he wanted you to get a complete wardrobe of clothes and that is what he expects.' Darlene didn't add that that is what they got.

'I got what I needed.' Cathie defended. 'I enjoyed the shopping but Darlene you tried to make me go overboard. I'm not comfortable with being extravagant with money. I'll tell Ethan that you did try but that I wouldn't let you get me anything but the basics. I really don't need anything else.'

The knowing look that passed between Ethan's 2 trusted employees said it all. You'll do, dear girl.

The car stopped beside an innocuous looking restaurant door that hid a glorious harbour view framed by a faithful copy of the sails and masts of the 'Endeavour' the boat in which Captain Cook discovered and claimed Australia.

Darlene and Cathie chose a table outside on the 'deck'. With a flourish a 'sailor' flipped jacquard napkins over their laps, filled their water glasses and placed menus into the eager hands of the two diners.

The choice was mouth watering. Darlene quickly began to peruse the menu but Cathie only frowned.


'Darlene? There aren't any prices on the menu.'

'That's right my dear.'

'I may not be a regular at fancy restaurants' Now, how do I know that? 'But I do know that even the poshest establishments still put their prices on their menus. Don't they?'

'We'll… maybe some do and some don't.'

'Darlene you're not very good at lying. Now give?

'Ethan made the booking. Some restaurants have menus that don't include the price so that men can impress their new girl or more likely their new account by not letting their guest be concerned about how much something is going to cost. Ethan must have requested these menus with the same thought in mind. Not to impress you I mean but so that you won't worry about how much the meal is costing.'

After the way Cathie had reacted to spending his money this morning Ethan was clearly on the mark, Darlene noted to herself.

Cathie did not like being patronized.

'But that's so…'

'Ethan.' Darlene finished the sentence for her smugly. 'As I said sit back and relax and enjoy. You'll get used to it.'

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