A few minutes later after layering herself with heavenly smelling toiletry products and gingerly brushing her hair, Belinda stepped out of the ensuite feeling like a new woman. Well in some respects she was wasn't she?

Belinda steeled herself when she left her bedroom in search of this paragon of a partner called Darlin'. Maybe her real name is Eunice or Desdemona, Belinda chuckled.

Any partner of Ethan would have to be equally tall and stunning. Her stomach thoroughly knotted now Belinda retraced her steps, went down the stairs and turned towards the stone steps guided by her nose and ears.

A mouth watering smell and Chloe's giggles interspersed by Ethan's deeper tones were coming from somewhere on the lower level.

Feeling a bit dizzy from the effort Belinda kept her eyes firmly on each stone step making sure each foot safely connected in turn. On arrival on level ground she looked up to be transfixed like a kangaroo caught in headlights. While she had seen the view when she had arrived, she had still been overcome by leaving the hospital; the trip spent sitting so near to Ethan and the splendor of his houses foyer to take much notice. Now in front of her was the stuff that postcards were made of.

The harbour was putting on a show with the blazing sun throwing the dark span of the bridge into relief, highlighting the container ships lumbering into port and the dodging water taxis. Heat waves shimmered above the water. The brilliant white sails of the Sydney Opera House were moored to the southern shore while high rises and office towers battled each other for harbour views on all sides.

'It still gets me sometimes too.' Came a friendly voice; a friendly, short, middle aged female voice, to be exact, arms loaded with a tea tray. 'The names Mrs. Insley but you can call me Darlene and I believe today yours is Belinda. Nice to meet you, Belinda.

Darlene! 'I've poured Ethan's coffee but wasn't sure how you like yours or even if you'd prefer Tea. I can make you a pot if you would prefer. There's milk and sugar, so help yourself, lass.'

Belinda beamed a huge smile down and took the tray from the woman who could pass for her mother.

Dressed like an advertisement for a housekeeper Darlene nodded approval and indicated Belinda was to set the tray on the coffee table in front of the lounge facing the view and then to sit next to Ethan.


'I only like coffee… Now how'd I know that?'

Ethan had been watching Belinda from the moment he had seen her come around the corner and stare at the view as if in a trance. The view was spectacular but he had become blasé about its beauty. Was the view new or just not remembered?

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