Ethan led Belinda through to the ensuite, rather an innocuous word for such a grand bathroom that was to die for. She didn't dare enter too far as that would bring her too close for comfort to Ethan. He explained that Darlin' had seen to it that there were a selection of toiletries and towels for her to freely choose from.

Sickening name for a girlfriend she thought meanly.

'If there is anything in particular you want just let her know.'

Backing out of the ensuite doorway Belinda stood in the centre of the room captivated but not daring to touch, it being way too perfect. She didn't feel that she had the right to mess up such pristine beauty- the artfully arranged cushions, the carefully placed throw on the chair, the feng shui of the flower arrangement sitting as it did in the middle of the dressing table.

Ethan reentered the bedroom and halted when he saw Belinda standing so still, the flowers and bear still clasped to her breast. He's probably wondering what the problem is, she grimaced inwardly.

Chloe came to the rescue. She came skipping into the room and immediately threw herself onto the bed, rubbed her face in the soft suede rippling its taut smooth surface like a pebble thrown on a glassy pond and hence 'messing' the room. The spell holding its new resident now broken Belinda walked over to the bed and placed the teddy amongst the cushions and the flowers on the bedside table.

'I'm sure everything will be fine.' Belinda belatedly replied.

'I'll leave you alone then. Come on Chloe lets leave Belinda, she probably wants to shower and change.'

At Belinda's snort he walked over to the opening that led to a dressing room behind the bed.

'By the way Darlin bought you some things to wear until she can take you to the shops.' Not too sure that she was comfortable wearing clothes bought for her by Ethan's partner Belinda mumbled thanks a tad ungraciously as Ethan left the room dragging a complaining Chloe behind him.


With a deep sign and a self castigation over her spiteful and ungrateful thoughts Belinda walked behind the bed into what Ethan had carelessly referred to as a wardrobe. Once again everything was relative as Belinda would have called this spacious room with full length mirrors and a variety of shelves, drawers and hanging rails a dressing room.

'Wardrobe? Piffle!' Hanging conspicuously in the middle was a new summer weight sleeveless tracksuit in dove grey with matching scuffs on the floor. On the shelf next to it was a set of underwear still wrapped in cellophane. Looking too small by half Belinda grudgingly swiped Darlin's offering off the shelves and headed through the connecting door into the ensuite.

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