Zoe sighed. There really was no chance of a long term relationship between them especially one involving marriage. Ethan was once bitten, twice shy. And she was concerned that her feelings for Ethan and his in return may have been just a case of propinquity. She had tried not to dwell on how she had come to meet Ethan. All because of Guy's shame, a crane and Wayne. Oh that's terrible, she groaned inwardly a reluctant smile hovering. A few seconds longer in a shop, a later train, any would have meant that she would have missed saving Ethan. The thought wiped the smile off her face.

Even Ethan had said he wasn't supposed to be at the site that day but for glitch in the cement pour.

How easy it would have been for them never to have crossed paths. If Wayne hadn't been stalking her, if she hadn't chosen that street to cross town, if Guy had chosen life rather than death in response to her pathetic attempts at counseling. A lot of ifs. She was sure that their lives would not have touched without all those ifs. Correction, shouldn't have touched.

Ethan existed in a stratosphere far removed from her level. In the reality show of life billionaire tycoons do not meet lowly paid teachers from the country. There was little hope that her reality could merge successfully with her fantasy. Ethan had told her their meeting was fate but Zoe believed it was just dumb luck and the idea that it was "meant to be" didn't enter into it. They were not destined to have met in the grand scheme of things and to hope that they had a future was just whistling up the wind.

It had only been 8 days since Wayne's death at the hands of the police marksman. The doctors, her family and friends had all advised her against returning to school so soon but she had thought the sooner she got back into the rhythm of her real life the better, especially as her suspension had been lifted immediately once Guy's diaries had come to light. They had shown a gay boy tormented by peers, afraid of a domineering father, who ignoring the pleadings of a sympathetic teacher to seek counseling had thought the only option was death.

It was too close to finals though to miss anymore of her seniors lessons and this excursion had been booked months ago. It had seemed like an ideal way to ease back into teaching this being her first day back on duty. So far so good.

But still she missed Ethan and propinquity be dammed.

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