A few embarrassed laughs and guilty looks confirmed her suspicions, paper rustling in pockets 'There is a café, there, over the bridge and vending machines up near the library. All students are to meet us, back here, at the Carslaw lecture theatre at…10.30 for the key note lecture. Remember you are here representing your school so…be good. Any questions?...No? Then go and be good!'

Zoë preceded the students out of the bus to step onto the grounds of Sydney University. Good lord it even smelt the same, she thought wryly. The past successfully blended with the 21st century. Eager students spread out seeking, shade, food and toilets ogling the sprawling campus where tall, modern chrome and glass structures stood comfortably next to sandstone castle-like edifices.

'All out Zoe, and clean to boot!' Affirmed Cara, the last one off the bus. 'So where to first?'


'Read my mind!'

Zoe led the way over the pedestrian bridge that spanned the many lanes of City Rd. They managed to find a table away from the general throng of uniformed high school kids and scruffy uni students to set down their cappuccinos and Cara her cake.

At least Cara felt like cake, Zoe noticed. Her own appetite had deserted her. Again.

She recalled grimly how she had lost the weight before the accident. Wayne's stalking, the photos, Guy's suicide, the accusations, the suspension, the stress. Shaking her head to rid herself of those thoughts she chastised herself. No she wasn't going there again.

'I think I'll join you.' Zoe quickly came back with a wicked looking slice of mud cake.

'Watch it. You'll end up with my dream svelte figure.'


Zoe eyed the pleasantly plump teacher in front of her and thought that wouldn't be so bad. After all she was happily married with kids, a dog and a house in the suburbs. What did she have? Nothing of importance.

I wonder if Ethan is thinking of me at this moment? They had parted so abruptly that they hadn't had time to say anything of any meaning to each other. They had whisked him away to the hospital for chest X-rays, the bullet proof vest stopping the bullet from killing him but not from falling over the railing in shock. The police kept her at the house briefly for questioning. Her relieved parents had by that time been informed and quickly came to take her home.

Ethan had called regularly but their conversations had been stilted. There was none of the warm connectedness of their last few days together. No doubt, Zoe grimly concluded, he was having second thoughts about continuing a relationship with her, and a long distance one at that. He had apologized for being unable to visit her at the weekend, some presentation he had had to prepare for. No invitation for her to visit either. He rambled on about giving her time and space.

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