Shaking his head slowly since to do so fast seemed to give him head spins Wayne replied 'Deep down, I know you love me Zoe. You just won't let yourself see the truth. You took my flowers and gifts, didn't you?'

'I didn't want them Wayne. I didn't even know who they were from until you started asking me out on dates and mentioned them. I gave you back all those things that I hadn't thrown in the bin. But we've been over this before Wayne, over and over it. It has to stop here and now.' Zoe went to get up off the lounge then sank back in horror as the nozzle of the gun swung up towards her.

Wayne drew himself up to his full height and puffed out his chest like a cock about to fight. 'Oh don't fret dear heart it's going to stop here and now that's for sure. You're mine, Zoe, not some fancy pants city boy. He doesn't deserve you and he's not going to get you…or anyone else for that matter. He's kept you from me for too long and he's going to pay for it.' Wayne muttered the last under his breath.

Zoe realised with horror that Wayne had more on his agenda than 'getting' her back. He was after Ethan. And he had a gun. Her mind working frantically testing out all her options she jumped as did Darlene and Wayne when the phone rang. Plainly of two minds to let Zoe answer it Wayne indicated to turn on the speaker phone and reminded her to behave, dramatically waving the gun at a distressed Darlene. He prowled the room finishing up at the window facing the front, peering through the Venetian blinds.

'Hello, 94534561. This is the Holt residence. May I ask who is calling?' Zoe recognized Ethan's mobile number on the caller display and hoped that he would on one hand recognise her voice, but be suspicious of the false number and formal greeting.

'Rachel? It's me, Ethan. Just…seeing if everything is alright there.'

'It's…fine, just…dandy…Did …you… get the tickets?'


He knew it. Something's wrong.

'To the theatre of course… "The Operator" by David Williamson. I'm so looking forward to it; it's …supposed to be a tour de force. I've been shopping and have got a glorious new dress. I hope you don't mind? I also bought Chloe a Barbie doll to replace the one that she lost...'

As if. Something's definitely wrong. '…and she's in next door showing Sarah.'

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