'Ah, my sleeping beauty has awoken. Missed me?' Wayne snickered, his breath reeking of alcohol.

Scrabbling upright Zoe pushed Wayne away and shrilly demanded he let the housekeeper go as forgotten, now remembered, images and emotions fought for attention with her anger at the man towering over her.

'What the hell are you playing at now Wayne? Wasn't it good enough for you to stalk me then set me up as some kind of paedophile, and get me suspended? Get out of my face and get out of my home.'

Zoe, anger winning, went to get out of the chair but was roughly pushed back down. Wayne stood menacingly over her one hand on the back of the chair and another reaching into his pocket to produce a small handgun.

Zoe reeled back in shock and fear never having seen a gun before except on T.V or safely tucked in a policeman's holster.

Waving it under her nose he snarled. 'Not so cocky now, hey Zoe? Sit still and be quiet. You and I have some unfinished business to attend to.' then he stepped back and, with gun pointing thankfully downwards, began pacing backwards and forwards in front of Zoe.

'Business! You call what you did, business! You stalked me then exposed a vulnerable boy who needed me. You ruined a boy's life and then tried to ruin mine. Wayne, you knew I was only counseling the boy and that Guy came to me on that last day upset about his father finding out about his homosexuality. So how did he find out? Was it you? Oh Wayne, he was distraught and I comforted him the only way I knew how, with a quick cuddle and a sympathetic ear. You're a prize bastard for taking those photos and then publishing them on the web. You drove him to suicide and me into hiding. How could you?'

'But we had a good thing going, you and I, Zoe. We were made for each other. And then you had to go and ruin it. How could you go to the cops like that? Tell 'em you feared me? Do you have any idea what that AVO did to me? How people looked at me differently? Whispering in their staffrooms. Snide looks at staff meetings. Whisper, whisper, whisper. It didn't stop, just went on, and on , and…And that pervert, he was not good for you. You couldn't see it. I had to do something. I would never have hurt you, you know that. I love you.' He wailed.

'But I don't love you Wayne. I never have.' Zoe was amazed at how calm she sounded.

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