In bed. With Ethan. Truly his.

Ethan's feelings regarding her memory and its recall were ambiguous. To remember may clear the way to a bright future or bring an end to their brief present. To never remember removed the risk of claims from her past but left an open sore, an infection that could fester and poison their time together.

Ethan then gave himself a mental kick up the proverbial. Come on, Ethan, stop it, he chastised himself. Anybody would think he was a 'nobody', of no consequence, a penniless vagrant instead of a well respected, wealthy mover and shaker. His money and influence could smooth the path Petria had to tread and he would be there with her, step by step. He would have to convince her that the past, no matter what its truths, was just that, the past, and that her future was his future.

Feeling better he then turned his thoughts to a more pressing issue, namely the throbbing pressure in his pants, his desire to truly claim Petria as his own.

'You're already where I want you to be.' Well, sort of, Ethan thought resignedly. Just a 90° shift and one floor up and it would be exactly where he wanted her to be.

Ethan had every intention of taking her at her word and taking it slow. He still wasn't sure of her feelings, as she probably wasn't of his. Neither of them had said the 'L' word. Her response to him tonight though was unmistakable as were her reactions now. Shallow breathing, flushed face, dilated pupils gave her away.

Ethan's keen gaze seemed to see into her soul. To cover her confusion Petria buried her nose in her Brandy trying not to notice the way Ethan shifted uncomfortably next to her obviously easing the pressure.

Thank heavens the bodice was fairly stiff and her painfully aroused nipples weren't showing, Petria thought, though she was unaware of all the other outward signs of her arousal.


'And we'll go slow…for now.' Ethan's reluctant acceptance of her request was obvious.

Dam. The entwined pair then sipped on their drinks in companionable silence both staring out though the glass at the blinking harbour lights and bright neon signs. Ethan was the first to finish his drink. With a big sigh he announced that he was escorting Petria to her door where he intended to bid her good night, fitting since that is how their evening together began.

Just like a first date, he reminded himself.

Draining her glass Petria placed her hand in his outstretched palm allowing him to draw her to her feet for a brief embrace. He then led her across the foyer and up the stairs with the only contact being their held hands.

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