Ethan finally waved the last stragglers off at 3.30am. A very sleepy Petria, safely ensconced in his arms happy in a dream land of Ethan's making, refused to let questions of her past and future intrude.

'A night cap and then bed.' Ethan's voice rumbled in Petria's ear.

'Why not.' Since Petria had steadfastly refused alcohol all night except for the one glass for the toasts she must have been ready to let down her guard and relax. Ethan wondered as he led her to the lounge if she had agreed to both options. For the first time in many hours he left her side to pour them both a brandy. Returning to her side he lowered himself so that he sat close, touching from their thighs up, his arm draped possessively over her shoulders. Petria ducked under his arm to snuggle up to his chest. It felt like coming home.

'Here's to my birthday.'

'It's not your birthday anymore.'

'Well. Here's to my next birthday.'

Petria then had a horrible thought. 'How old am I, Ethan? Am I too old for you?'

Ethan chuckled as he gazed into a face he not only adored but had been seriously concerned, was too young for him.

'You're 27.'


'That's alright then. Isn't it?'


Ethan's hand until then innocently draped over her shoulder began to knead Petria's shoulder muscles that tensed under his touch.

'Petria what is it?'

'Ethan…I'm still not sure about this…About us I mean. If it weren't for a crazy series of events we would never have met. We need to take it slow.'

Ethan's plans for the rest of the night took a nose dive.

'Petria the report didn't bring to light any current relationship.'

No - only an affair with a teenage boy, she thought disparagingly.

'Stop it Petria.' Once again Ethan had tapped into her thoughts. 'Until you remember you are going to have to stop thinking about the accusations because that's all they are. Hang onto your belief, that you wouldn't, couldn't, do something like that.'

'It's just not knowing, Ethan. That's what's eating me. Perhaps I should read the report, see people I know, ask questions.'

'The doctor…'

'I know what the doctor said, but I'm not getting anywhere. Am I?'

Where she wanted to be, she knew, was in bed, with Ethan.

But could she give herself body and soul to Ethan without knowing her past? What if she was in love with someone else? Could you be deeply in love with 2 people? She'd already thrashed this notion to death. What if she was dying of a deadly disease? Once again she'd already dismissed that obstacle when the doctor gave her a clean bill of health. Take it slow she had said but who was she kidding? No more excuses. She knew where she wanted to be, her thoughts turning a full circle.

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