Not good, Maggie thought. They'll all think we're a couple. Once her background becomes common knowledge as these things usually do it will tarnish Ethan's reputation, raise doubts about his integrity.

An intensely private man, the intrusion likely to result from his association with a person who may be a paedophile, will cause him distress. Her thoughts of being a martyr and leaving Ethan before any real damage was done warred with her delight at being publicly proclaimed as having a bond with the man she loved, however transient it might prove to be.

Ethan then guided Maggie down the stairs as a wit called out. 'Wondered what the birthday boy had got up to? Now we know.' Friendly laughter erupted.

Maggie couldn't help it. She blushed thereby confirming at least in the eyes of the men exactly what they thought they had been up to.

'He's gone and found himself his own Cinderella.'

Was it so obvious that she belonged in rags? Maggie concluded sadly, belonged somewhere but not here, not beside Ethan. They couldn't tell, could they?

Ethan felt Maggie stiffen at his side and guessed that their harmless taunts were making her feel uncomfortable. Did she really feel that she was Cinderella and he was the Prince? That she belonged in the kitchen and he at the ball? Well no matter. In the story the Prince got the girl and lived happily ever after.

He squeezed Maggie's hand reassuringly.


'My sleeping beauty, more like it!'

More raucous laughter followed, the women predictably thinking of 'that' kiss while the men's thoughts even more predictably involved beds.

The rest of the evening passed swiftly with finger food, dancing, speeches and the cake. The huge slab looked something straight out of a kids dream book of party cakes. Garish green icing was topped by Smarties and chocolate shavings. A small figurine that looked suspiciously like Ethan stood amongst it all holding a toy boat standing next to a match box car made sure that the cake wasn't taken too seriously.

Just perfect. Ethan held the knife poised above the cake not sure of the protocol it being a long time since he had had the honour.

'If you cut all the way to the bottom you'll have to kiss the nearest girl.' Someone called out, probably a parent, knowledgeable about the standard challenge issued at all children's parties.

Ethan surveyed the hushed crowd their expectant faces daring him. His sweeping gaze came home to Maggie who, bless her, blushed on cue. Ethan then plunged the knife into the cake to a replay of the cacophony that had met them earlier. With slow deliberate movements Ethan let go of the embedded knife and drew Maggie into his arms.

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