Maggie felt she should have been appalled but instead felt mildly flattered though a little wary.

'Don't worry, Honey. Contrary to a vocal minority those of the other persuasion don't leap on anything alive with pants on or should I say skirts, or in this case gowns.' Mandy quipped as she finished zipping Maggie into the figure hugging blue skin with its deeply plunging back and almost matching décolletage.

The humorous twinkle in Mandy's eyes helped to remove the last vestiges of Maggie's politically incorrect feelings of embarrassment.

Spindly stilettos covered in the same shimmering fabric and a wisp of a wrap, which helped only just to give the gown a sense of respectability, completed the outfit.

With impeccable timing Ethan knocked and waited to be invited into her room.

Mandy with a wink and nudge opened the door and with a flourish announced her mission was complete then left.


Maggie gave a theatrical twirl for Ethan's benefit but spoiled the show when the unfamiliar high heels made her lose her balance. Ethan quickly prevented a disaster only to create havoc when he grabbed Maggie close.

'Thanks.' was all Maggie was capable of saying as she found herself once again held closely to Ethan's chest.

'No problem though I think it would be provident if you held onto me for the rest of the night. To prevent a reoccurrence, of course!'


Matching action to his words he took Maggie's hand and placed it gently around his forearm then tenderly placed his other hand over hers, his thumb caressing absentmindedly.

Ethan escorted Maggie to the top of the stairs and then paused. 'Ready?'

A nod was all she was capable of.

'Good. You'll be my partner for the night and then this time we'll share my bed'

Maggie was shocked rigid by his words and the heated desire burning in Ethan's eyes. Before she could question him on 'last time' and whose bed his mouth descended and all thoughts of time and place were forgotten as his passion was matched by hers.

At the same time as if on cue guests began to look up at the couple kissing passionately at the top of the stairs.

Seconds maybe minutes passed but eventually the whistles, tinkling glasses and cheering below seeped into Maggie's befuddled brain and she hastily withdrew mortified at the show they had inadvertently put on. Though, upon looking at Ethan's satisfied look, maybe he had staged the whole thing. For whose benefit she wondered?

Good, Ethan thought. A bit caveman but effective. A signal firmly sent to the awaiting guests that Maggie was his chosen one, that she deserved their respect and acceptance of the position she held, that she belonged by his side despite Magnolias attempts to insinuate herself earlier. Numerous past partners including Magnolia had never enjoyed such a public display. The far from attractive scowl showed that the woman in question had also finally got the message. He had been giving her the same 'not interested' message for quite some time.

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