“It can’t be. I have to be dreaming…” I told myself.

In an instant, they were gone. I ran to the grave site. The tombstone had my parents’ names on it but the graves and caskets were open and their bodies weren’t there. Looking around, there were other graves that were also open but not all of them.

People all through the cemetery were saying, “Where did they go?”

I stumbled out of the cemetery and rounded the corner to head home again. I had to call Uncle Frank to tell him what happened.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car zoomed past me, smashing into the outside stone wall of the cemetery. I ran to see if I could help the driver. I opened the driver’s door only to find an empty car.


Smash, Crash. Over and over again. Metal on metal. Glass breaking. Cars and trucks were wrecking everywhere. Passengers wandered around their cars looking for the drivers. Drivers searched frantically for their passengers.

One lady said, “Where is my baby. My baby was right here in the back seat and now my baby is gone.”

As I continued toward the house, some of my neighbors came out of their houses to see what was going on.

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