For the first time, my sister paused before answering. "Some. Yes, I did. Mike got it more than Maureen. He acted up a lot. Ben wasn't in favor of spanking, but he understood they needed it at times. He let me handle the discipline."

"Why did you say 'good' when I said Sarah wouldn't spank us?"

"Because spanking is harsh and in some ways is cruel and probably unnecessary, except maybe in extreme circumstances. I'm not even sure about that. You can be thankful it's not going to happen to you."

"Why? If I did something that deserves it, I should get a spanking."

"You don't know what you're asking for. It hurts like the dickens and it is very humiliating."

"But Grandma did it. You did it too."

"Those were different times."

"That's what Sarah keeps saying, but we do lots of things in our house that Grandma and you and Sarah did." She added, "Does Aunt Maureen spank the twins?"

"God, I hope not. I'd kill her!"

"I don't understand."


Suzie laughed. "I'm not sure I do either, Karen."

If I thought my sister would resolve Karen's confusion on the subject of corporal punishment, I was sorely disappointed. If anything, she'd bewildered Karen even more. I took another long gulp from my can of beer.

Suddenly, I was nauseated and rushed to the bathroom where the sound of my retching echoed about my childhood home.

I staggered back to my seat and tried to smile it away. "It's okay. I'm feeling better now. Between the sausage on that pizza and Mr. Budweiser's masterpiece, my stomach decided to go on strike."

"Sarah's been sick twice this week," Karen offered.

There was a strange look on my sister's face. "Sarah, we have to talk!"

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