"Red roses mean love." His voice had become gentler, more subdued. "A pure, love that time or age can never conceal or destroy -the bond between man and woman, maiden and lord that the Divine ordained from the creation of this world."

Apprehensively, Mericlou shifted her sitting position on the bed, but as her legs moved, Aldrec stopped them with his hand. Mericlou shifted her gaze to the hand that now rested gently on her thigh. The symbols on the hem of the sleeve of his translucent robes were now shining, lavender-purple. She gasped at his sudden movement, the tightness in her chest making it sound almost like a hiccup.

"Tulyr …"

She slowly returned her gaze to his eyes.

"Purple is a very personal color," He whispered, bringing the now purple rose toward her and running it slowly across her lips. "Tell me, love … do you know what it means?"

As he did this, Mericlou felt her wedding dress begin to feel odd, as if it were moving of its own accord. She glanced downward, and gasped. It was loosening, flowing, and shifting on her body in the strangest way, as if it were melting. She watched, as underwear and all, it gradually transformed from a dress to a thin, transparent sheet that draped over her now practically exposed and naked body.

"Do you know, Tulyr?" Aldrec persisted. "Do you know, my little flower?"

"I … have no idea," she whispered back.

"Then let me show you," he said, slipping deftly out of his robe as he leaned forward. He gently wrapped his arms around her, feeling her body trembling as hard as it had the night they first kissed.

"You're shaking," he said, shortly pausing. "Are you afraid?"


"N …no," Mericlou said, bringing her hands to his chest. "Just … nervous." She looked away in embarrassment. "I've never …"

Aldrec again placed the rose to her lips, quieting her.

"Neither have I," he said with a loving gaze. "But you well know that I would never harm you, Tulyr."

"I … love you," Mericlou stammered, and closed her eyes, allowing the apprehension to flow from her body. Aldrec moved the transparent sheet away. She brought her lips together and closer to Aldrec's as he reciprocated, pulling them into a kiss that started out as merely passionate, and segued into actions that until now, Mericlou had only dreamed about.


"Aldrec?" Mericlou whispered to her husband.

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