"But it will be the exposé of the century," the android said, kneeling down at his side in the bed. She laid her head in her folded arms atop the mattress like a child trying to please her father. "Remember, Somiir, you're the one who will be airing it. If you have misgivings about it, then you can always back out."

Somiir shook his head. "No, I made a promise to you, my dear. And Somiir Neska is man of his word."

She made a gleeful noise that was halfway between a sigh and a giggle, as she stood up and slipped out of her see-through jacket. The remainder of her scant clothes swiftly followed suit, before she crawled back into the bed.

"You know," she purred huskily as her smooth hands reached out to caress Somiir's face, "I love a man who keeps his word."

That night, he learned, much to his five times of delight, that she had lost a great deal, if not all, of her boredom.

And the next morning, though she was gone as usual, he noticed that the money was still on his dresser.


Summer had once again given way to autumn in Lusea, and the trees sparkled richly with a brilliant cornucopia of gold, red, and brown. The region's mild climate made certain that little more than light jackets and the occasional coat on the odd chilly day was needed.

Aldrec loved this time of the year. As boring as the sameness of things was at times, he could appreciate the feel in the air as the Festival season fast approached. Not only would Lusea be crowded with a near-overabundance of market goers and merchants, but troubadours from all over the Republic would come to perform in the weeks leading up to this most sacred of holidays.

He smiled as he walked past the alleyway on Brownie Lane, watching the rows of houses as people set their magical blue-flame candles outside their doorways and hung wreaths of white crosynthia flowers in their windows. Both objects were symbols of kindness and purity. For all races, this was no better time, for it re-asserted unity and cooperation between the races and peoples all of the Five Nations as the Divine intended.


He was so lost in thought that he failed to see the hands that pulled him into the alley; neither had he expected the set of very female lips that suddenly pressed onto his.

At first startled, he actively resisted the kiss, until he became aware of the familiar floral scent and taste that could only have come from the woman he loved.

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