“Shhh,” Ty urged as he pushed one slick finger into Zanes grasping body. Zane bit his bottom lip and his eyes rolled back as he huffed and then relaxed, although his hands clenched in the sheets.

Ty kissed him harder, rocking into him demandingly as he curled his finger inside him. Zane cried out into his mouth and jerked as Ty stroked just right after a few tries. Then he was moving thoughtlessly, lifting up against Tys body and hand insistently, physically begging for more. Ty hummed in approval and continued to move his finger inside him. Soon he had added another and was sucking at the tender skin under Zanes ear.

Zane couldnt help but arch his back as the tingling turned to taut thrumming that echoed through his body, and he gasped out soft sounds of pleasure and encouragement, turned wanton by Tys mouth and hands. A long finger rubbed him just right again, and Zane bit off another cry. “Ty… oh f**k,” he choked out.

“You want it?” Ty asked in a rough, harsh voice as Zane writhed beneath him.

“Yes, f**k yes,” Zane begged. Ty moved ever so slowly as he removed his fingers and stole another, slower kiss. Zane sighed longingly against Tys lips and shifted his legs, pulling up his knees. “Want to feel you, baby,” he whispered, sucking Tys lower lip between his teeth and worrying at it. Ty gave a low growl and complied, pushing against Zane and rocking just inside him.

Gritting his teeth for a moment and squeezing his eyes shut, Zane moaned as the stretch of Tys c**k just inside him started out feeling full and reached the edge of painful, and he arched his back against it, sucking in a breath that made him shiver all over. Ty curled his back and bent to kiss him, letting his body provide the friction that would edge the pain over into pleasure.

The slow, calming kiss did the trick, and Zane relaxed, the even rocking turning the sharp digging into a dull push and heat that bloomed into pleasure. He moaned soundlessly as he tried moving against Ty. Gently, for now. The twisting hunger was still there, only temporarily banked by the transitory pain. Ty groaned against Zanes lips, pushing into him and shuddering as pleasure rippled through them. He murmured nonsense and slid his hand under Zanes hips to lift him higher.

“Yes, oh yes,” Zane hissed, raising his hands above his head to grasp the tangled quilt, curling his fingers through it. Ty buried his face against Zanes neck and began to rock his hips steadily, c**k sliding with the bare amount of slick Ty had used, and he breathed openmouthed against Zanes skin.

Zanes exhales shook, and he lowered one arm to curl around Ty and hold him close as they moved together. It was hot and smooth and mind-blowing, the slow slide something entirely different than hot, pounding thrusts.

“God, you feel good,” Ty murmured, his movements becoming jerky and almost tortured, the need in them straining what little control Zane had.

“Took the words right out of my mouth,” Zane gasped, raising one leg to wrap it over the back of Tys thigh. He bit his own lip as he felt the tension in his gut threaten to explode. “Ty, Im gonna lose it,” he whispered shakily.


“Do it,” Ty urged, either not caring if Nick heard them or forgetting the need for silence. “Oh hell,” Zane ground out, his entire body straining and tensing for another too-short minute until he threw back his head, jaw clenched to hold back a sharp yell. He clenched his fingers in the quilt and flinched with each shot of come against Tys belly and chest. Finally he couldnt hold back a broken, half-smothered cry of mindless pleasure.

“Zane,” Ty breathed pleadingly as he pushed harder into him. As his body continued to squeeze convulsively around Ty, Zane moved both hands to clasp his face, wishing he could see Tys passionglazed eyes. “Baby,” he rasped before kissing him like there would be no tomorrow. Ty groaned into his mouth, nails digging into the back of Zanes thigh.

“Cmon… fuck me,” Zane ordered against Tys ear in between harsh breaths. “God,” Ty groaned, shuddering again and starting to slam into Zane mercilessly. Choking off a throaty cry, Zane curled around him as the thrusts reverberated through him, feeding the fire still crackling in him. Zane distantly heard the creak of the heavy bedframe.

The shudder through Tys body and the sounds escaping from his lips told Zane when Ty climaxed, and Zane held even tighter to his lover, chest still heaving. He knew already hed be feeling Ty for some time tomorrow. Just the thought made his c**k twitch in a useless plea for more.

Ty panted above him, hands digging into Zanes hips as he physically wavered. He started to pull out of Zane slowly, gasping at what had to be overstimulation, and he kissed Zane roughly as he did so. The mash of their lips and teeth was enough to draw another whimper from Zane. It was both pleasurable and painful. His low gasp grew into a long groan as Ty slid out, leaving behind an aching hollowness.

Ty crawled up Zanes body to kiss him again, slow and languid, before flopping over to his side with a groan to lie next to him, replete and sweaty. Left gasping, Zane squeezed his eyes shut, feeling like hed lost his mind while erratic jolts of sensation continued to shoot through him.

“Why dont you go get us a towel, huh?” Ty teased in the darkness. Zane quietly shushed him, soaking in the aftermath of the major explosion. Damn. When had Ty last f**ked him so well? He bit his lip and pressed his cheek against the sheet, relaxing that last little bit and just breathing. It still terrified him, the way Ty could make him feel, the way need could become utter desperation.

“Hmph.” Ty moved, bouncing the mattress as he rolled away and flattened out in what had to be a sulk. The disgruntled sound made Zane smile. He sat up and scooted over, right up against Ty, hands on him to find him. Zane leaned over and kissed the corner of Tys mouth.

“Better,” Ty purred as he turned his head into it. Zane smiled wryly and leaned over again, this time pressing his lips to the very corner of Tys eye, then nuzzling at his temple. With a sigh, he lay back down and rolled to his side, and Ty followed to wrap around him from behind like it was choreographed. If they stayed like that long enough, their bodies pressed together, the smell of sex permeating the sheets, Zane knew theyd be f**king again.

Not that he was complaining. But he heard Ty exhale contentedly, and in mere seconds Tys breathing evened out, his body relaxed, and he fell asleep with Zane neatly folded up in his arms.

Before drifting off himself, Zane lay there, consciously savoring the embrace and idly entertaining thoughts of how he was more than happy to be right there in Tys arms, every night.

Chapter Eleven

T Y SAT and watched Nick and Digger argue over the dartboard, his chin held in his hand as he leaned on the table. He was smiling crookedly without caring he was doing it. This was the playbook they usually followed. Go out, start drinking in some nice, respectable dive, then get into a meaningless argument over something stupid that would create chaos and mayhem around them and eventually get them kicked out.

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