“If youre uncomfortable, I can sleep on the couch,” Ty offered, voice low and soothing, just like it had been for most of Zanes blindness. It was the same tone hed adopted with Nick, telling him to stay in the present instead of dwelling on trauma of the past. Zane had never consciously noticed Ty had that ability, to calm and reassure with his voice, or even that hed been doing it to him all week, until now. Zane remembered abruptly that Ty did have a degree in psychology, and he wondered if he was really that easily manipulated. Although Ty wouldnt even have to try, not really.

Zane frowned. “No. No, Im not uncomfortable.” He wasnt sure he could explain this well enough to get through the filter of beer, stress, and exhaustion. “He doesnt know about us, right? Im just trying to be careful.”

“He doesnt know,” Ty affirmed. Zane could hear the rustle of clothing as Ty got undressed. Hed never actually answered the other question. Zane didnt feel right asking, though he knew it would bother him now. He took a steadying breath, pulled his T-shirt over his head, and dropped it to the floor. He made it to the bed and under the covers, leaving on his sweats. A moment later Ty crawled in next to him, his skin warm against Zanes, the smell of the bar just faint enough to be slightly arousing instead of nauseating.

Ty pulled him close and kissed him carefully. “Hes never been anything more than my best friend, Zane,” he whispered. “Stop worrying.”

Zane didnt realize hed tensed up until he relaxed after Tys words, and he set his forehead against Tys with another sigh. “You know me pretty well, huh.”

“Not as well as Id like,” Ty replied, voice barely there. He kissed Zane again, letting his lips drag across Zanes. Then he sighed heavily and rolled onto his back, his movements restless and slightly inebriated. Zane let him sprawl, knowing that trying to hold onto Ty in this state would just make him squirm more.

He was fairly confident there wasnt anything he wouldnt tell Ty, besides some few select experiences better left buried. But it was a discussion theyd had before, and Zane didnt expect a reply, so he turned away and onto his side, pulling the pillow up against his chest.

A moment later Ty tossed an arm and a leg over him, snuggling up to him like Zane was his pillow. He nuzzled his face into the back of Zanes neck, pressing his hips against him. Zane could tell from the way Ty touched him, the way he couldnt quite keep still, that if Nick hadnt been in the house, they would already be f**king.

Awareness and arousal ripped through Zane like lightning. It was a toss-up whether theyd be able to do it quietly, especially with Ty drunk.

Ty made a frustrated grumbling sound, obviously thinking along the same lines. “Give him a few minutes to go to sleep,” he told Zane. His hand slid down Zanes body, strong fingers gripping Zanes hip to pull him back against him.

Zane closed his eyes and smiled, reaching to take Tys hand in his. “You saying your Recon buddy upstairs sleeps like a baby?” Ty pushed himself up on one elbow, his knee sliding up Zanes inner thigh. Zane could feel Ty hardening against him, and his own body responded accordingly. It was wild having sex with Ty when all his senses were working. But when he had to rely on the others to make up for what he couldnt see, Zane found that he responded faster than usual. Especially smell: the heady cachets of forbidden beer, forsaken cigarettes, and Old Spice, natural earthy musk layered just underneath that, they all combined with the scent of sweat on Tys skin, and every time Zane caught a whiff, it went right to his gut.


Ty shifted away and pushed Zane onto his back before moving to cover him, muscles tensed and fingers dragging over Zanes skin. The sound of Tys breathing, slow and careful, filled Zanes ears.

Zane exhaled carefully. Fuck, how he wanted Ty right now. He wondered distantly if hed ever get enough of him. Tys hands moved to cup his face. “Shh,” he requested quietly. Then he lowered his head and licked at Zanes lips. Zane hummed a negative and parted his lips, inviting a kiss as he nipped at Tys tongue. Ty propped himself up on his elbows and ran his fingers over Zanes hair, holding his head still as he kissed Zane hungrily. The moan deep in Zanes throat surprised him.

“Am I going to have to gag you?” Ty asked in a gruff voice as he began kissing down the line of Zanes jaw. “Ill be quieter than the bed,” Zane murmured, pointing to the headboard against the wall. He almost laughed as he suddenly remembered the last time theyd done something like this—in Tys childhood bedroom at his parents home in Bluefield, West Virginia.

Ty began making his way down Zanes body instead of commenting, kissing and nipping at sensitive parts. Zane stiffened for a moment, wishing he could see. Damn, he loved to watch Ty do this! Ty pushed his sweats down, fighting against the sheets and the mattress to do it. Zane instinctively moved his hands to slide them into Tys short hair as he breathed, “Oh f**k….”

Ty hummed cheekily, kissing at Zanes hip as he slid his hands under the backs of Zanes thighs. Zane laughed weakly and shivered all over just thinking about what was coming. Without a word of warning, Ty ducked his head and took Zanes c**k into his mouth, running his tongue around the head and sucking.

Zane hissed, hips snapping up toward the wet heat of Tys mouth. His fingers clenched in Tys hair for a moment until he made himself relax. When Ty started sucking, Zane actually whimpered. Ty hummed again in response to the pitiful sounds.

Zane didnt necessarily enjoy sex with Ty more when Ty was drunk, but it definitely changed the game. Ty was looser, more apt to be rough and manhandle him, more likely to do things to Zane that Zane would have to Google to know what to call them. He couldnt form enough coherent thought to even think about objecting to this tonight, with company in the house.

Ty hummed again, rising up onto his hands and knees and tugging Zane further down the bed in an animal display of possessiveness. Zane scrabbled a little on the sheets—the first pull of Tys hands sent a blast of pure hot desire through him.

Zane swallowed, breaths already coming fast. He had no idea what to anticipate from his lover, and he realized the uncertainty was fueling the fire. Great, another kink he didnt need.

But damn, he wanted this. Even better, Ty wanted this, wanted him, even blind, and the unadulterated joy Zane derived from that thought was overwhelming. He reached up to cup Tys cheek, kissing him for all he was worth. Ty responded to his desire, and he supported his weight with one hand, practically devouring Zane as he slipped his other hand between Zanes legs.

Zane clutched at Tys shoulders and moaned under the onslaught of Tys sinful mouth. His hips rocked helplessly, and he gasped when he felt the first touch of Tys fingers.

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