“You lead, Ill follow,” Ty offered.

“Id rather follow you,” Zane murmured, absolutely aware of how many meanings those words held right now. Tys hand tightened in his, repositioning them, and his other arm wrapped around Zane until they were close enough that Zane could feel Tys movements deep down. He started with slow, easy steps, a real box step and turn to match the music, not just a graceless shuffle. This Zane could do without thinking about it, Tys body and the music guiding him. He literally didnt need to see a thing. He draped his free hand over Tys shoulder and relaxed into Tys arms, their cheeks brushing with each step. Ty turned his face toward Zanes, touching his nose and lips to Zanes cheek, and he curled Zanes hand between them, holding it against his chest. They swayed gently with the music, but Ty would occasionally pick up the pace and turn Zane in a faster circle as the instrumental chorus picked up. Then he would slow them again, pulling Zane closer, pressing their cheeks together in a gesture that was borderline sensual as the music moved them.

Zanes pulse thrummed as he gave himself over totally into Tys hands, following his capable direction and floating on the music. His bad mood didnt stand a chance, and Zane could even feel a smile pulling at his lips. Hed thought about this, a slow dance with his lover, not a flashy tango or a writhing clash under a disco ball. But hed never dreamed he would get one. It was possibly one of the most erotic, most loving things Ty had ever done for him.

Neither of them had shaved in a few days; Tys cheek scratched alongside Zanes. But his lips pressed to the corner of Zanes mouth and stayed there. It wasnt quite a kiss. His movements were relaxed and natural. The way his body moved to the music and was able to lead Zanes would have been gorgeous to see. It was better to feel, though.

The song began to wind down, threatening to end the moment. Zanes hand tightened on Tys shoulder without conscious thought, and he finally turned his face carefully, skimming their lips together. Ty returned the kiss just as tentatively. They slowed to a stop as the song ended, and Ty kissed him again as they stood in the middle of the living room. The next song started up, similar in tempo, still soulful and brooding like the first. Ty didnt move with the music, though, choosing to hold Zane to him and kiss him instead, and Zane had no desire whatsoever to move from that spot. This was something new and fragile, something more intense and yet more comfortable.

Maybe Ty had chosen this because he knew how much Zane loved to dance and hed been searching for anything he could think of to divert his cranky partner. Maybe he had wanted to do this as badly as Zane. Whichever it was, Zane didnt care. He gave in to the desire hed quashed earlier and slowly tried to wind himself tighter around Ty.

Ty let him do as he pleased, indulging in the kiss even as he started their dance again, and Zane felt better than he had since before the accident. The tender kisses kindled a cozy golden glow inside him. With his lips on Tys, his eyes closed and Tys arms around him, the world didnt feel dark and foreboding.

They continued like that, swaying languidly to the music, and when their lips finally parted, Zane heard himself whisper, “I love you.”

Ty snorted softly, as if the words amused him. He didnt stop the swaying motion of their dance. “Youre being seduced,” he said in a warm voice. He murmured his words against the corner of Zanes lips.

Zane sighed shakily, a tremor of shock echoing through him. He hadnt realized what hed said before Tys reply, and his pulse kicked up as it crashed in. Now he didnt know what to say at all, and he felt flushed all over, still shocked by what had slipped out. He wasnt sure if he was relieved or disappointed that Ty had brushed it off—all he could feel was the swelling ache in his chest. “Seduced?” he managed to get out.

Ty hummed and smiled against his cheek. “I was good at this sort of thing once.” The awareness rippling through him made Zane huff out a quiet laugh as he tried to get ahold of himself and let the panic fade. “Youre still good at this sort of thing. You could tell me to do anything right now, and Id try.”


Ty slowed their motions to a stop. He grazed his lips over Zanes, still holding him as if they were dancing. His words were whispered when they parted. “Then I want you to close your eyes and dance with me. Tonight, forget that you cant see.”

Zane obeyed, and his eyelids fluttered down as he focused on feeling Ty, absorbing the power and magnetism of his presence, so strong that a warm buzz rippled through Zane, urging him to release his surprise and worry, to simply be with Ty.

Ty readjusted his hold, pulling him closer and starting into the slow sway again. He began to hum along with the song, and soon he was singing quietly near Zanes ear. Zane had never heard him sing. He truly did have an incredible speaking voice, deep and soulful with that hint of a growl. His singing voice was no less impressive. It washed through Zane, their bodies melding with the dance, and Zane was hopelessly, helplessly lost in him.

Chapter Ten

G RAHAMS parents had been in France for the last two months and would be there for another week, so Pierces crew had been using his house as a home base. Graham sat at the kitchen table, one leg bouncing furiously underneath it as he tapped at the laptop in front of him, paging through news articles. Their press coverage increased every day, feeding Pierces confidence. As if his ego needed any more stroking. Pierce had been on his high horse for days now, ordering them around. Ross seemed happy enough to keep on with Pierces schemes, but ever since finding out about Mr. Garrett, the great master plan had lost its shine for Graham. He was pretty sure Hannah felt the same way. Every time he saw her, she looked more and more like a scared rabbit.

“So, Ross,” Pierce said from his seat at the head of the table, chest puffed up with self-assumed authority, “youre going to get those keys so we can get into the gym to plant the bomb. Im picking up the last of the supplies tomorrow, and then I can start building it. This bomb will be the best yet.”

“Sure thing, Pierce,” Ross agreed, tapping out his orders on the iPad in front of him.

“What gym?” Hannah asked.

“We cant get into a cop gym. Theyre, like, guarded or in the bottom of the station, arent they?” “We got into their baseball diamond, didnt we? Anyway, were not going after a cop gym. Were planting it at the Y on Druid Hill,” Pierce said.

“The Y?” Hannahs voice edged up. “I thought we were only blowing up places with cops. That we werent going to go after regular people. The mall was bad enough.”

“The mall was our best hit yet! And it was because there were civilians there. And the press. The pigs are more likely to f**k things up if theyre showing off for the f**king media,” Pierce snapped. “Besides, the web site says the gym is closed for renovation. No one will get hurt that doesnt deserve it.”

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