Frowning a little, Zane connected that piece of information with the men in the room, and he shook his head. “I never knew I had so many friends.”

“You dont,” someone called back wryly. Lassiter. Smart-ass. Great. The whole team was here. Although he hadnt heard Clancy yet. “Guys, close the doors. Its freezing.”

There she was. Great. Zane suppressed a grimace, and then the back door shut, cutting off the wind. “I want new locks on the doors in the next hour. Sweep the place for devices: bugs, bombs, everything.” Tys voice had carried over the chatter that broke out. “I want the file on the investigation, and I want every suspect name youve got,” Ty said in a lower voice, obviously speaking to someone in particular.

“You know I cant do that, Ty,” Alston answered seriously. “You owe me, Scott,” Ty whispered.

There was silence in response. Finally, Alston murmured something, and Ty thanked him sincerely. Then Zane heard footsteps stop in front of him.

“Were going to my place,” Ty announced without preamble. “Til we know its safe.” A FTER bumping into something hard for about the fifth time, Zane sighed and tried to visualize the first level of Tys house again. It wasnt that complex a layout, being a long, narrow shape, but Zane would have to “learn” his way around, counting steps like he had at his own apartment. And that was frustrating.

He heard something thump upstairs and relaxed. Ty was up there instead of watching Zane embarrass himself. At least there was that. Zane reached out to touch what was in front of him. It was an end table that stood by the arm of the couch against the wall of the narrow living room. He took a moment to orient himself, and then he turned left and took three steps, which—in theory—should put him close to the overstuffed chair he sat in a lot of the time while over here. When he reached out, his fingers jabbed into the soft fabric, and he cursed under his breath. He was closer than hed expected. He made an adjustment to the mental map, but before he could strike out in another direction, he thought he heard something odd too close to him, and he stayed in place, trying to identify the noise.

It was silent for a few heartbeats. Then a hand touched his elbow. Zane flinched and inhaled sharply even though a split second later he knew it could only be Ty. A soft whiff of Old Spice confirmed it. “Sorry!” Ty said quickly as he snatched his hand away. “Didnt mean to scare you,” he mumbled as the hand returned to Zanes elbow. “Werent you upstairs like… thirty seconds ago?” Zane asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I was putting on socks,” Ty answered with an almost audible shrug. “Feet are cold. Why, did you need something?” “No. I just didnt hear you come down.” Zane shook his head and crossed his arms, and he caught himself blinking against the utter darkness. His eyes were dry and scratchy, and he reached up to rub at one. The nurse had said it was because the eye could not perceive light to force dilation, so his eyes wouldnt produce protective tears as they normally would.

Tys hand caught his, pulling it away from his face. He felt Ty move closer, and the callused hand at his cheek moved to cup his face. “Dont do that,” Ty chided gently. “You want some more eyedrops?”

Zane nodded, resisting the urge to apologize like he had the first twenty times. “Yeah. Theyre in that bag from the hospital,” he said, resignation swamping him again.


Ty was silent as he moved away. Zane had to wonder whether it was because he didnt know what to say to him now that he was blind. It was possible that Ty had always been relatively quiet the majority of the time and Zane had never noticed it because of the spurts of rampant activity and rambling. He told himself that was just one more thing he was going to pay attention to if he ever got his sight back. There was so much he realized now that hed taken for granted.

A few moments later, Zane heard the bag rustling, and then Ty pressed the eyedrops into his hand.

“Need anything else?” Zane felt the childish desire for a kiss and hug, but that was a little much, even for him. He was already becoming a huge drain of Tys time and patience. “No, thank you,” he murmured. “Im just going to bum around down here if you have something to do.”

Ty made a frustrated noise. “You know what, sitting around here being miserable isnt going to do you any good,” he said abruptly. He took Zanes hand and gave him a small tug, guiding him over to the couch and unceremoniously shoving him onto it. “Sit here. Ill be right back.”

“What—” Zane cut himself off as he bounced on the cushions. There was no point in questioning Ty. It was a little refreshing, actually, to be called on his moping. Zane put some drops in his eyes, then leaned back into the corner of the couch and waited, brooding. He knew he was in a shitty mood, but he also was inclined to think he was justified.

From somewhere in front of him there was a click, followed by soft music wafting from what Zane recognized as Tys Bose iPod dock. It had been a gift from Deuce, something Ty rarely used, and it sat on one of the shelves along the brick wall of the living room.

Tys taste in music was eclectic, to say the least. He would blast classic rock and heavy metal in the Bronco when they drove on some days, and on others it would be laid-back country. When he worked out, it was thumping club music, something that would get the adrenaline pumping, but at home on the rare occasions when he listened to music, it was often folksy blues or indie rock, occasionally even something from the Rat Pack days. Zane never knew what to expect out of Tys sound system.

Now the music was slow and relaxed, with a bittersweet undertone. Then, below the melody, was the unmistakable sound of the coffee table being shoved off the rug onto the hardwood, away from the center of the room.

Ty took his hand and pulled at him. “Come dance with me, Zane,” he requested quietly. Zanes stomach flipped as he got to his feet, his hand folding into Tys after the gentle tug. He wondered if he looked as surprised as he felt and what expression was on Tys face right now. He took a few cautious steps after Ty out onto the cleared rug, the surprise melting into a deeply felt curl of pleasure and sparkle of unexpected nerves.

Ty laughed as he pulled Zane to him and they fumbled over where to put their hands and how to hold each other. His breath was warm on Zanes cheek, and for the first time, Zane could feel the way Ty held himself as he prepared to dance, confident and strong. Hed seen it on the cruise ship when Ty had done a damn good tango. When theyd danced at the club, it had been more of a whirling mosh pit. This would be their first real dance.

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