“I’ll be out in just a moment. Aiden was just about to tell me something.” I kept my eyes glued to Aiden and was surprised Aaron didn’t demand my full attention. He left my room and the spotlight was back on Aiden.

“Tell me,” I said through clenched teeth. I’d spent the past three weeks trying to learn what Holly, Kye and Dorian were keeping from me. Now even Aiden had secrets.

“It was the time I was with Louis,” Aiden began and my heart sunk. “He fed me witches blood, and I drank it so he wouldn’t grow suspicious. I did it to help you with the case—I didn’t expect it to take ahold of my willpower so sudden. The addiction was powerful. It was like something I never experienced before. It’s like your lungs needing air or your body needing water—absolute. After a single glass, I craved it like nothing else.”

My heart thudded against my ribcage, each time harder than the last as I listened to his words. Somewhere in my mind I knew what he was going to say, but my heart demanded I was wrong.

“Louis had a supply of low level witches on hand for those who liked to feed from the source. The witches were there on their own accord, most were black magic witches. One night, Louis invited over his crew and as a gift he gave each of us a witch of our own. We were told we could do whatever we wanted with them. My addiction was so strong that the thing I wanted to do was feed from her.” Aiden ran a hand through his hair, his eyes flicking towards me as he searched my face for my reaction. “And that’s what I did until there wasn’t a drop left,” Aiden looked at me.

I stared back unmoving, except for the thud of my heart echoing in my eardrums.

“I’m telling you this because I love you, my Gwen. I don’t want you to be caught off guard or find out some other way. I was afraid to tell you, but I realize in order to keep you and earn your love, I have to be honest with you. This—”

“You killed a witch, drained her, while I was trying to stop Ian from doing the exact same thing? For the past month you’ve lied to me, acted like everything was normal. You watched me help the FPD and get summoned to Moon to aid in a war for this exact reason. You never said anything.” I jumped up from the bed and paced my small bedroom. “What about the night I broke your addiction? You couldn’t have mentioned you killed a witch then? My world has revolved around this mess for the past month and all along you were a part of it?” I crossed my arms to keep the view of my trembling hands hidden. As I watched Aiden it was like staring at a complete stranger. Had I fantasized his good qualities all along?

If Holly was witness to our argument, she’d be proud. My loyalty to my kind was called into question many times over the past month, but love aside; it wasn’t okay a witch died at the hands of my boyfriend, even a dirty witch as they are called. I didn’t care that the woman he’d drained was involved in black magic, she was a witch the same as me.

“That’s why I didn’t tell you. You’ve been so stressed over all of this I didn’t want to upset you more. It was a low point in my life, one I wish I could take back,” Aiden grimaced.


“Well you can’t,” I hissed. “Just leave, please. I can’t deal with this right now.”

“Gwen?” Aiden walked closer. “I’m sorry.”

“We have another murderer to capture. We’ll talk about this later.” I stomped out of my bedroom and came to a stop when eight heads turned to observe me. The VC stood with their arms crossed, like my poorness might rub off on them. The NAWC members sat at my kitchen table with smug “I told you so” looks on their faces. With only twenty feet separating my bedroom and kitchen, I was sure they heard my entire argument with Aiden. Risking a glance at Dorian, I was surprised his face didn’t hold an ounce of arrogance. Instead, he looked sorry for me which was almost worse.

“Party’s over, what’s the plan?” I said, holding up my hands. If I had to name one good thing out my fight with Aiden, it was that I was full of anger and ready to direct it at Ian Despereaux. I wanted a fight, an outlet for my rage. That’s what you get for dating a vampire, I thought. My love life wasn’t like the fairytales my mother use to read to me. There wasn’t a prince riding in on his white horse to save me, nor was there the kind of love that was all sunshine and rainbows. Real love was chock-full of problems, and sometimes the prince turned out to be a vampire who killed your kind.

“Aaron will help you get in contact with Ian. Patrick will assign the stakeout points and the vampires have called in their own reinforcements. I guess they don’t trust us,” Holly snorted like it was the silliest thing.

“The extra vampires are here to help us with Ian. I’ve learned he’s been dabbling in magic for a while now. Plus, he’s old enough that his strength and speed paired with magic will make him a difficult target to catch—even for us.”

Aaron’s admittance that he’d have trouble with Ian was refreshing. A lot of leaders wouldn’t admit such a weakness openly. Holly rolled her eyes, leaned into Patrick and whispered something. Aaron ignored her and walked up to me.

“Let’s go in here so you can concentrate.” He slid an arm around my back and guided me into the living room. With one look from Aaron, the people occupying the couches hightailed it out of the room.

“You said you’ve never tried to contact Ian, correct?”

I nodded.

“It’s fairly simple. You two have shared blood, and there’s always power in blood. All you have to do is concentrate on him and think something. He should pick up on the thought right away, but make sure you don’t think about the plan to capture him. We don’t want to tip him off.”

“Okay.” Inhaling deeply, I released it at a slow and steady pace as I pictured Ian. “What am I supposed to tell him?

Aaron thought for a moment. Movement to the right caught my gaze. Alana stood next to Aiden in the kitchen, a fake smile plastered across her cherry red lips as she laughed at something he said. Aiden’s arms were crossed over his chest and although his body seemed tense, a grin dimpled his cheeks. Why the hell were they so chummy?

“Tell him you want to meet with him in Flora to talk about an idea you have. Pretend like you’ve given up on breaking the bond and want to embrace it. There is power in being bonded to a power vampire, Gwen. It could offer you protection from any threats. If anyone was to harm you they’d have to deal with a vampire. And Ian isn’t just any vampire, he’s old enough to be considered a threat and able to produce magic, no one would want him as an enemy.” Aaron quirked his eyebrow in question.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in having Ian as my bodyguard or being bonded to him,” I told him. “I want to be rid of him as much as the VC does.”

“Very good,” Aaron said. “Make sure you keep your thoughts genuine. Any nervousness and Ian will know something is up.”

Well that was easier said than done. How was I supposed to keep my thoughts devoid of any emotion? I nodded at Aaron. I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t be distracted. Ian’s face appeared as I concentrated on him.

Ian? I need to talk to you. I sent the thought out into the universe and hoped Ian would hear it. When he didn’t respond, I thought about our last encounter and focused on the details. His blonde hair was cut close to his head. His blue eyes were mischievous and full of malice. He wasn’t tall, but he wasn’t short either. He had the build of a runner—thin and lean. I remembered the way his accent sounded and the fear in me whenever he was close.

You rang?” Ian’s voice sounded in my head. My visual concentration worked.

I want to meet with you.

Hmm, I’ve been waiting to hear those words, little witch. His voice grew huskier. I tried not to feel repulsed.

Well, I guess tonight is your lucky night. Meet me in Flora? I made my voice flirtatious and hoped he didn’t see through it.

Why the change of heart?

I squashed the panic at his suspicion down as hard as I could. You were right about Aiden. He can’t break the bond without killing himself and he won’t do that. I’ve decided to embrace it rather than fight it. I laced the words in my head with real anger, so Ian would think I was contacting him out of spite for Aiden.

So, your knights shining armor turned out to be tarnished? I’m not surprised. He told you about the plan, didn’t he? It was my idea, but he agreed you’ll be stronger than she is. You’ll be our savior, little witch.

I was momentarily speechless, even my mind was blank. My eyes popped open and searched for Aiden. He was still in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and staring back at me. When he saw my expression he stepped forward, but I shook my head. I didn’t know what to say to him or what Ian was talking about. Had Aiden been in contact with him? Who was the “she” Ian kept talking about, and what did they plan on me doing that would exceed her abilities? I couldn’t trust anyone, not even Aiden. It was almost more than I could stand. My mind reeled with horrible thoughts while my chest compressed like a vice grip had a hold of my lungs. Dropping my head, I sucked in large amounts of air, but it was no use; I was having a panic attack.

“Are you alright, Gwen?” Aaron placed a hand on my back, and I flinched.

“What’s wrong with her?” Aiden asked as he came into the room.

He hasn’t told you. Ian snorted. That’s not a surprise either, Aiden likes his secrets.

Shut up!” I couldn’t deal with Ian’s smug remarks or lies. They had to be lies. Once again my heart and brain were at war with each other. The fact Aiden just finished telling me he’d killed a witch and kept it from me was not a point in his favor.

Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m sorry I was the one to burst your bubble, but don’t you think you deserve to know the truth no matter if it hurts?

What is the truth, Ian? All you’ve told me is I’m part of some plan that you and Aiden cooked up. What’s the plan? And who is the other woman?

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