Pulling her legs up, she wrapped her arms around them. Resting her head on her knees. A wave washed onto the beach, rolling until it almost touched her feet. Seagulls squawked overhead. Glaring at them. Oh, shut up. She thought. You are ruining my day.

Letting her sandals, go. She dug her hands into the fine sand. Picked it up, she let the grainy texture run out of clenched fists. Why is it when I dig in the earth I feel connected? Sort of centred and so alive?

“Jenny!” The woman warned as her daughter went in too deep. Giggling, she went in a little deeper. “You little rascal,” she said and got up. Jenny quickly retreated to shallower water. With a smile, she sat down and let her daughter continue to play turning her attention back to her book.

You’re a bit like me. Alex thought. Her stomach grumbled. Should have eaten a proper breakfast. Getting up, she started towards the water once more. Bracing against what’s to come. Icy water rushed over her knees. Flinching, she stood still as the water retreated. Turning reluctantly. Jenny played in the waves. Wish I was still small and carefree. An unexplainable sadness filled her soul. Blinking hastily. Get a grip! Her mental-self snapped.

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