He hadn’t brought another woman into his home. Her sense of smell was heightened, very acute. There was no way he could have removed a woman’s presence completely – especially her scent. He had said he had never brought a woman there and she believed him absolutely. Still… Genevieve was not wrong that she was investing too much in him too soon.

“I’m listening to you, Vi, I am,” Charlotte said. “But it’s already too late. I’m so far gone on him there’s no turning back. My heart is already involved. I don’t know why or how this happened so fast, but I’m going to ride it out and see what happens. I would like to have you close for support no matter which way it goes.”

Genevieve sighed and then looked up to watch Tariq, now helping the girls on the slide. “He is gorgeous, Charlie, I’ll give you that. If you’re going to be slutty and sleep with someone within a couple of hours of meeting them, he’s definitely the one to do it with. He’s sort of… delicious.”

Charlotte burst out laughing. “You can’t go to extremes. Don’t be drooling over my man.”

“He’s definitely drool-worthy. I could do a lot of perving on him.”

“Well don’t.” Charlotte faked a stern look. “You’ll have to find someone else for your pervy ways.”

It wouldn’t be difficult for Genevieve. She was a man magnet. It had surprised her that Tariq hadn’t even glanced at her friend when every other man focused on Genevieve first. Always. Until last night and Tariq. That pleased her when she realized it, because it only made Tariq’s attention more real. From the very beginning, he had looked at Charlotte with the look a man gives to a woman who appeals to him.


His voice. Gentle. Male amusement. A caress. He could do so many things with that one word spoken in his language.

There is no other woman. There will be no other woman. It is you. Only you. Always you. You are in my care and under my protection. I will cherish you for all time.

Charlotte frowned. She’d heard those words before. Whispered to her, first in his language and then in hers. The memory was hazy, but beautiful. She felt the slide of his hair against her bare skin. Felt his mouth moving over her. Kissing her. Following the curve of her breast. She touched the mark he’d left behind, only the thin camisole covering her skin. The brand pulsed there. Throbbed. Needed. Suddenly the taste of him was in her mouth and she craved him.


When she looked up, he was watching her with hooded eyes. His handsome face was very serious. He seemed wholly focused on her.

What is it, Charlotte?

I can’t remember everything about last night. Just pieces of it. Pieces of perfection. His body moving in hers. The feel of his mouth on her skin. Between her legs. His taste. The memories sent heat spiraling through her.

You were exhausted, sielamet. I should have taken greater care, but I couldn’t seem to resist you.

I didn’t want you to resist me. That was the truth and maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to give him that, but she couldn’t help herself.

Lourdes turned around and looked at her. She tugged at her hand until Tariq let her go and then she flung her arms wide and ran to Charlotte. “Auntie, I love it here. And I love Bella. She’s my best friend.”

Charlotte couldn’t help but marvel at how perfectly Lourdes enunciated each word. There was no baby talk. Her father had called Charlotte constantly with anecdotes about how verbal and precocious Lourdes was. Charlotte found it to be true. It hadn’t been her brother’s wishful thinking; Lourdes really was extremely verbal and her comprehension blew Charlotte away.

She caught the little girl and swung her around. “I love it here, too, baby. And Bella is the best.” What could she say? It was all true.

“Can we stay? I want to stay.”

She glanced at Genevieve, who had gone very still, and then at Tariq, who was striding toward them, Bella on his shoulders. He was tall and powerful although he wore his suit like a model. Perfection. She had committed to him. It felt like that, as if she was totally bonded to him. Connected.

You gave me your word that you would try us. That we had a beginning.

She nodded. She wanted that beginning with him. She hoped for a future with him. Right here, on this amazing piece of property. Genevieve’s face told her it was too soon. Too fast. But that she’d support Charlotte’s decision.

“Yes, honey, I think we’re going to stay for a while.”

“Bella has a cool house and a brother and two sisters. When am I going to get a brother or sister?”

“That may take a little time,” Charlotte hedged, blushing for no reason. If she was going to continue to burn in paradise with Tariq, she needed to be responsible and get on birth control. Not that she would mind having his baby. A child with his hair and eyes. She could go for that. Just not now. Not when their beginning was so new.

But a child would be with her long after he left her, a little voice whispered to her. She knew she would have him for a while. Maybe even a long while, but eventually, he would leave her and find another woman. One that suited him better. A woman like Genevieve. Tall. Model thin. Glossy straight hair. A face that any photographer would fall to his knees and worship.

I prefer short with lots of soft curves. I love long, wild hair that goes on forever and shows me just how wild my woman can be. I love every single thing about you, although we need to work a little on your confidence. You are my woman. My choice. I am your man. Your choice. You never have to worry that I will leave you. At this point, I don’t have that same assurance. Your fear that you may be making a mistake actually makes me feel off-balance and vulnerable. Both emotions I have never felt.

He stood in front of her, Bella on his shoulders, the child waving and shouting at Lourdes, her face lit up and happy. Tariq smiled at Lourdes. “I thank you for being a good friend to Bella. She was very sad for a while and now you have made her happy again. See…” He gestured toward the gatehouse where Bella’s brother, Danny, and her two sisters, Amelia and Liv, had come out and were working their way toward them. “Her brother and sisters cannot believe she is once again laughing. We thought, for a short time, we had lost that.”

Lourdes frowned, trying to process what he said. “Bella likes to laugh. So do I.”

“We like to hear you laugh,” he assured her.

Lourdes, Genevieve and Charlotte had slept all day. Charlotte had put it down to the fact that they’d been up all night, but the three older children approaching them looked as if they’d just gotten up and showered. Maybe because Tariq was so charismatic those on his property kept his hours.