Megan's stomach dropped like she was riding a roller coaster. "I know, but what about me?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Truth offered the only explanation, but words remained lost.

"Matters of the heart are difficult sometimes," Gray Cloud said, understanding her inability to speak. "When you discover the truths in your heart you will know true happiness. You'll stop second-guessing your decisions. Give yourself time, Megan; you have many years to discover yourself."

"Does it get easier?" she asked.

"Life? Yes and no. Hills, mountains, and corners try to hinder your progress, but in growing you become capable of handling anything new. Be good to yourself, Megan. Nothing you are feeling is wrong. Use your heart. All will make sense."

She wanted to believe him, but how? With Clay around, would Colby leave? But I want Clay to leave.Was Clay's kiss the kiss of death for her and Colby?

"What else troubles you child?"

"Clay," she muttered.

"What about my grandson?" Gray Cloud said sitting straighter.


"He's back."

"I know, but why does this trouble you?"

"Because…" Her voice trailed off. Colby needed to hear the words first. Is it too late? Gray Cloud patted her arm. "Time will reveal everything. Be patient, child. Don't rush to tomorrow, because you'll miss something today." His twinkling eyes said more than his words, but Megan could not unravel his thoughts.

As he left, a gentle breeze blew over, but it offered no peace. "How do I listen to my heart? Sure it's easy when others are involved, so why do I find it difficult to help myself? That's it," she said, standing. "I'll do for others and finish this summer right. If Colby and I are meant to be together, he'll return. If not, I'll go to college and put this summer behind me." She sighed. "Like it's going to be easy to forget Colby."

As she headed to the ranch, a voice stopped her. "Megan, wait." Bridget ran towards her.

"What is it?" Megan's mind flooded with fears. Who was hurt? Where were the kids? Who was with them? Why did I go off alone? Words mixed with sobs made translation impossible.

"Slow down," Megan said, her hands on Bridget's shoulders. The ten-year-old looked like a scared five-year-old. Her wide blue eyes held fear. "Take a deep breath and start over."

Bridget sniffled. "We were hiking when Faith stepped into a hole and hurt her ankle." The young girl gasped for breaths.

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