Minutes passed before she moved. "Darn it! Why did he arrive now? What do I do about Colby?" She slumped against the stall door and slid to a seated position. "I'm beginning to despise this summer." Her fingers entwined with straw as memories of last summer moved to the forefront. Dances at the Fourth of July celebration in Carlton where she rested her head on Clay's chest. The picnic lunch they shared by the River of Hope brought a smile to her face. "Stop it, Megan. His was an act, nothing more. Think about Colby. He's smart, intelligent, and he supports your dreams. His kiss reached into your soul, unlike Clay's. Don't retreat to the past because it's easier. Keep going forward." Tears streamed down her face, but she refused to wipe them away.

"If Clay ruined things with Colby, I will never forgive him." The tightening and pounding in her head refused to stop, knowing the only remedy was Clay's departure. "How likely is that?" she said, finding the strength to stand and make it to the cabin. "I can't believe Brett rehired him. Happiness isn't meant to be mine." She plopped on her bed, still dressed, and hoped to forget the evening's events.

The rising sun led Megan to the River of Hope. Pacing kept her warm and energized her thoughts. Unanswerable questions and unsolvable problems remained at the forefront. Confusion and anger kept rational thoughts beyond reach. Her mind was nothing more than tumbleweed traveling down a long dirt road with no end in sight. "What do I do now?"

With a deep breath, she tried listening with her heart, but turmoil overflowed causing a blockade. "Nothing made sense before and now Clay's added to the puzzle. Do I have the strength to find the missing piece and handle him?"

"I sensed you needed me," Gray Cloud said.

"Yes. Help." She looked into Gray Cloud's round black eyes, needing a clue about what to ask. His refusal to ask questions destroyed her hopes. "I'm afraid of everything, again," she said, sighing. "How do I lose these fears?"

"Fear is a good thing, child. Don't let it ruin your life, though. Use it to search the reasons to do or not to do something. Don't listen to others. Listen to your heart, because it knows what is right for you."

The slow flowing river created background music for his words. "Remember the story of the Woman Who Chose Death?" he asked. Megan nodded. "You feared your anger took your parents away. Now, again, you fear losing-Brett. He is marrying a wonderful woman who deeply cares for him. There is room in his heart for you. You will always be his sister."

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