Chattering and giggling escaped the dining room through the open screen door. Megan took solace in the porch swing creaking in the morning hours. Visions of birthday parties spun like a kaleidoscope showing her parents laughing and dancing, but words remained unspoken. She smoothed the front of her pale yellow organdy dress with primroses on the bodice and sleeves and nosegays on the skirt.

"Happy birthday to me," she said in a dismal voice. Though a smile formed, it did not keep her heart from breaking. I'm lucky to have Brett in my life, but why did I have to lose my parents to gain him? All I want is to hear my parents again. It's been ten years, but today it feels like one hundred. Brett walked onto the porch singing "Happy Birthday." He joined Megan on the porch swing. "You okay?" he asked, patting her knee.

In the shrug, her hand clasped the amethyst pendant around her neck. A breeze passed over, but no voices came with it. "Why is my birthday the hardest?"

"I don't know cuz. But, hey, you've got me." He elbowed her until she laughed. "That's better." He handed her a box wrapped in lilac paper with a pale yellow ribbon. "Hope you like it."

After gently lifting the tape and unwrapping the present, she removed the box lid. A bracelet with intricate beadwork lay on top of white tissue paper. "This is beautiful," she said, admiring the bracelet she now held. "You have impeccable taste, Mr. MacCormack."

"I know. Have you ever known my dad or me to give a bad present?"

Though many replies came to mind, Megan remained silent and tied the bracelet around her wrist. Once on, her fingers traced the triangle shapes of red, white, and blue. "Who made this?"

"Running Doe, Gray Cloud's wife. I asked her to make it special for you since you gave your bracelet to Jill last summer."

"Thank you." Megan kissed Brett's cheek and he pulled away.

"Don't go getting mushy on me," he said, wiping his cheek.


She snickered at her cousin's boyish ways. "Do you think I'll ever meet Running Doe?"

He shrugged. "Running Doe doesn't get out much. Polio left her paralyzed and she's been in a wheelchair for over forty years. I'll bet, for you, she'll make an exception." Brett kissed Megan's cheek. "Happy birthday, cuz."

The screen door flung open and stayed open in the mad rush to board the van. Megan stared, waiting for the right time to join them without being trampled in the stampede. Non-stop rambling filled the space. "Two hours of this and I'll be ready to explore Carlton, alone," Megan said, watching the hillsides colored with Indian Paintbrushes, goldenrods, and daisies pass by.

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