"I'm not. Gray Cloud showed me I have the power to have fun. Danny's trying to control me because he's used to getting his way. No more. Today I make my own choices, do the things I want to do. Plus I came here to have fun."

Megan nodded, pleased by his words and the brightness in his green eyes. This was the Jason she knew and remembered from last summer. Gray Cloud's ability to help people see what lay in their hearts was a magical gift. Why could he not use it on himself? She returned her focus to Jason. "I understand Danny doesn't want to be here, so why doesn't he go home and you stay?" she asked.

"Our parents told us we had to stay and learn to get along. My dad said the wide open space and fresh air would give us a new perspective. If Danny wants to stay mad, that's his choice. Starting right now, I'm having fun."

"Glad to hear it. Who knows? Something's bound to happen that will change Danny's tune. Remember, this is the Circle M."

"Thanks again, Megan," Jason said now standing in front of her, his hand extended. In their handshake, she saw a young man instead of a boy. "Good night," Jason yelled as he ran to the bunkhouse. That last burst of energy from a great day.

"Again, these kids will teach me much about myself and life," Megan said, sinking onto the porch. "Even if Clay returns, he holds no power over me. I am a confident, intelligent, young woman who knows what I want from life." Megan sat straighter and smiled. It warmed her soul to speak those words. A lullaby sounded in the rain and eased her into a sleep. A tap on her shoulder stirred her.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Brett asked.

"What's tomorrow?" she asked, groggy.

His stunned expression confused her. "Oh, Megan," he said, now holding his Stetson in his hands. "What am I going to do with you? Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. Does that ring a bell? It's also your birthday."

After his words registered, Megan said, "Really? It's July already. Wow."


Brett shook his head. "It's a good thing I'm around to remind you of the important things in life," he said, putting his arm around her shoulder. "Now, get rested, because tomorrow's all about celebrating."

Megan stood, placing her hand on his shoulder and looking up at him. "Good night, dear cousin." On the way to the bunkhouse, thoughts about last year's birthday surfaced. "I spent the evening with Clay Jackson. We danced and my heart skipped many beats, yet he left me flustered and unsure of my next step." She shook her head as she prayed for him not to return tomorrow. "I want only to celebrate with my friends and family." The idea of spending her twentieth birthday without him reenergized her. She skipped along the rest of the path, anxious to explore Carlton. "Yes, tomorrow will be a blast."

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