Just thinking about it again made her burn with desire. And that was what was bothering her and keeping her preoccupied. She had tried to ignore the fact that she was attracted to him. She had told herself that she hated him and with good reason. But after that kiss, she couldn't avoid it any further. She had enjoyed the kiss. She was ashamed of herself but she had to face the truth. That was the only way she could fight her attraction and move on. He was exciting, sharp and so damn charming when he wasn't trying to annoy her. After kissing her, he had pushed her away and said, "Just like I imagined. Everything about you contradicts itself. You look harmless but you are deadly than a cobra. Your voice is angelic but your words are sharper than a sword. And now your kiss...it's heavenly and at the same time it burns like hell. You are definitely a witch Mannie and the last thing I need is to be bewitched so I suggest you get the hell out of here before I lose my mind completely and complicate our lives further."

Mandisa had nothing to say to that so she had done what he suggested, she had left. She had never thought of herself as contradictory and she certainly didn't see herself as a witch. Sure she wasn't the best person in the world. She was a lawyer after all and most of the time the cases she handled were not black and white and she had to bend the rules to win a case, but that didn't mean she was a witch. She didn't set out to destroy other people's lives and she didn't intentionally upset others just for kicks.

She did what she had to do to survive and take care of her family. She was not a witch, just a woman with a bad past, working towards a great future.

"She is not even listening." Bonisile complained. "How are we supposed to believe that she is fine?" Mandisa only caught the last words.

"Of course I'm fine." She said with a weak smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Does it have anything to do with Joy?" Khanyisile asked frightened. "Are we going to lose him?"

"Not if I can help it." Mandisa answered for the first time noticing the untouched plate of food in front of her. She picked up her fork and forced herself to focus on her family and stop thinking about Tebogo. It wasn't good and it wasn't as if there was something to be gained thinking about him. She was going to win the case and Tebogo would be out of her life for good.

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