"You do know what this means right?" She asked unbothered by his mood change.

"I bet you are dying to tell me." He said sarcastically. He went to the trolley and poured himself more champagne. Mandisa joined him and helped herself to some strawberries.

"Your brother is an irresponsible, untrustworthy player. He is engaged to two women and married to one. He is the father to three children which he pays no maintenance to." Mandisa smiled. "So yes, my client may have cheated on your brother but he didn't kick her out because of that. He kicked her out because he is a spoilt little brat who thinks women are his personal toys. He seduces them by promising them marriage, love and happiness and when they start to believe his brand of crack, he gets rid of them. So tell me Mr. Motsepe, how can we believe that your brother wants what is best for his third child when he doesn't give a damn about his two other children?"

Tebogo didn't have an answer but he knew what he had to do. Mandisa had just told him how she was going to win the case. After hearing about his brother's disgusting conduct, no judge in his right mind would give custody to the Motsepes no matter how wealthy and well known they were.

Tebogo reached out for Mandisa and pulled her into his arms. He only had one weapon against her and although it wasn't what he needed to win the case, Tebogo used it. Mandisa didn't see it coming. She had come to bury him and the last thing she expected was for him to grab her and do what he had wanted to do in her apartment… Tebogo Motsepe kissed her.

She didn't know how long Khanyisile had been calling her name but by the looks around the table, it had been long.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" She asked a bit embarrassed. It wasn't like her to daydream, especially not while having Sunday lunch with her sisters. Sunday was a family day. None of them worked on Sundays and they rotated whose house they spent the day in.

"Salt." Bonisile said. "She asked you to pass the salt. Are you okay?"

They all knew the answer to that question. No, she wasn't okay. Mandisa hadn't been okay ever since Tebogo Motsepe had came into their lives.


"I'm fine." She lied, just like they knew she would. "I just have a lot in my mind." Mandisa said passing the salt. She didn't have a lot in her mind, just one thing, or rather, one person…Tebogo Motsepe. He had kissed her. Right out of the blue, he had grabbed her and kissed her. She hadn't seen it coming and by the time she reacted, it had been over. In fact the kiss had last for just a minute which at that time had seemed like an hour. His lips had been warm, rough and demanding. He had bruised her lips and shattered her mind into billon pieces. She hadn't been able to think or move, though that didn't stop her lips from parting and allowing his tongue to explore the inside of her mouth.

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