Steps exit the area and only after they fade the mime jerks the hood away. She sees not only is she chained but he is wiggling his fingers at her as he walks out of the cage.

Closing and locking the door behind him before he evaporates into smoke she screams in frustration yanking at her bonds.


Each hour that passes feels an eternity and the strain pulls at her shoulders. The thick fog is chilled leave her appreciating the fact though her dress was shredded she had been left in a camisole and slip to cover bits most sensitive to cold. She had tried several times to call her fire heck to call forth any element to no avail. The Sax impersonators must have a way to negate her powers it was probably a spell in the shackles. She felt helpless, thoughts of what would happen to Sax and her babes filled her mind when the cackle of laughter echoed out again and the haunting melody grew loud once more.

Smoke filled the cage choking her she coughed hard gasping for breath. Two sets of blood red eyes glowed from within the slowly congealing smoke. Soon on each side of her were identical wraiths shirtless dressed in tight black leather. They ran hands along themselves as they neared her one reaching behind himself and bringing forth a collar with a large dangling silver ring. The other pulls from the shadows a thick chain leash. She jerks in her bonds determined to fight. Though another part of her has quite a different reaction a longing she has failed to answer in so much time makes liquid heat pool between her thighs. Shaking her head as if to deny this feeling she refuses to give in to lust something is very wrong here. One reaches her and clamps the collar about her neck and opens his palm for the other to hand him the clasp on the chain to hook to it. Dual hisses utter from their lips as the cuffs are released. Intent on escape she runs toward the door calling on the magma below the earth's crust to slow them as well as melt the chain she drags behind her. Again she feels no response as she is jerked hard she lands on her back before them.

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